
Sunday, October 23, 2011

[Translation] The ex-DNBN admin's announcement

Here's the next post regarding DNBN. I know a lot happened since my last article, and the posts about DNBN may seem irrelevant or old at this point, but I need to finish the "chapter" I started, so I am going to finish this section and go over more current issues.

In my previous post about DNBN explaining how the site was overridden by CJS fans, mostly Junsu's fans from Ikadong, I mentioned that some fans were taking issues with the announcement the ex-admin posted. Here's the screencap of that annoucement, transcript in Korean and translation. Those Ikadong & CJS fans used this post as an excuse to kick out the ex-admins and take over the site.


Korean Transcript:

동네방네 관리자입니다.
오늘은 유감스럽게도, 안녕하시냐는 머리 인사가 나오지 않네요.이해해주실 거라 생각합니다.

731 전속계약 효력정지 가처분 기사를 보고 미처 말도 나올 만큼 충격을 받으셨을 여러분의 심정,같은 팬으로서 어느 하나 실낱 같은 감정도 뺴놓지 않고 공감하고 있습니다.저희도  뒷통수에 무어라도 맞은 마냥 놀랐고 지금도 당황을 금할 없습니다.

동네방네가 독립한 관리자로 지내면서 여러가지 일이 있었지만 물론 이것에 비할수는 없네요, 저희가 부족한  점이 많았지만 언제나 믿고 칭찬해주시는 덕택에 균형감각과 조용한 모습을 잃지 말자고 스스로 자책하고 토론하고 논의하며 노력해 왔습니다.평범한 일개 팬이었던 저희들이 팬덤엔 어지러운 일이 정말 많다는 씁쓸한 사실을 배우고 실수도 하면서,짧다면 짧은 기간 정말 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 어쨌거나 우리의 목적은 동네방네를 통해 함께 널리널리 동방신기를 즐기는 것이었고, 미약하나마 도움이 되어서 즐거웠습니다.

사실은 드릴 말씀이 너무나 많습니다.

이미 6 말께에 이야기를 접해 여러가지 갈등 상황이 발생했음을 파악하고 멤버들의 부모님,S.M.Entertainment 1:1 대화를 요청해 만남을 가졌습니다.놀란  팬분들도 계시지요?_ 이일에 대해 말씀드리지 않은것은 물론 나중에 일이 풀렸을때 저희 행동과 발언이 누가 될까 싶어 밖으로 나가지 않도록 조용히 스스로를 단속한 것이니 양해해 주실 거라 믿습니다.

저희도 이야기를 담고 있으면서 마음이 무겁고 괴로워고,수십 시간 한숨 섞인 회의 릴레이를 했고,이런 갈등이 있어 우리가 괴로워야만 한다는 사실이 밉기도 했었죠. 하지만 다른 팬분들처럼 동방신기의 건강한 존재를 바라며 그를 위한 부드러운 해결을 바라는 것은 여전합니다.
그래서 더더욱 길고 민감하며 구체적인 이야기까지 낱낱히 말씀드리기가, 지금은 어려울것 같습니다. 모든게 좋은 얘기들이 아니기 때문에,긍정적인 효과를 바라는 선까지만 말씀을 드리려고 합니다. 일단 이렇게 말씀드리고 구체적인 사실은 시간을 갖고 면밀하게 논의와 검토를 마친 후에 다시 고하겠습니다.

그리고 이글을 보실 멤버,부모님들, S.M.Entertainment 에게 말씀 드립니다.

이제 여러분은 물밑 공방에서 빠져 나와 본격적인 언론 플레이와 공세에 최선을 하실 겁니다.순식간에 이곳은 내노라 하는 언론 플레이 최강자들의 경합장이 되고 팬들은 우왕좌왕 하겠지요.
하지만, 한가지는 잊지 말아주세요.

확인하셨다시피 동방신기의 존폐 여부는 논해진다는 자체만으로 엄청난 사회적 영향력을 가지고 있습니다. 그리고 이후에도 어떤 반응이 일어날지 장담할수 없습니다.절대로 이를 가볍게 생각하지 말아주세요.가볍게 생각한다면 좋은 결과를 보실수 없으리라고 장담합니다. 이일에 있어 팬들은 결코  삼자일 없으며, 어떤 작은 부정적 변화가 있을시에도 팬들은 가장 최대의 피해자입니다.
우린 항상 동방신기.
저희의 슬로건입니다.언제나 동방신기를 응원해 왔습니다.응원하고 싶습니다. 항상 같은 마음으로 해외 활동까지 적극응원해왔던 한국의 카시오페아들, 역시 패닉 상태에 빠진 바나 건너 일본의 비기스트, 그외 아시아,미주,유럽 등지에까지 많은 팬분들…. 모두 동방신기 하나만을 바라보고 믿어왔죠.

저희가 감히 대표는 아니지만, 이미 비슷한 감정을 겪었던지라 이렇게 갈등이 표면화 되고 공방을 거치며 없이 상처받을 우리 팬분들이 너무나 염려 됩니다. 진실로 마음이 아픕니다.
팬들이 물밑의 계약 트러블까지 인식하지 않도록 지금까지 멤버,S.M.Entertainment(+부모님들) 물밑에서 최선의 노력을 기울여 주셨어야 옳으며, 그걸 하지 못했다면 이제부터라도 원만한 해결을 위해 다리 걷고 무조건 뛰셔야 합니다.
특히 어느 누구라도 팬을 볼모로 장난치시면 좌시하지만은 않을 겁니다. 원만한 해결을 바라는 마음으로, 한편으로는 차갑고 이성적인 태도로 여러분을 지켜보고 있겠습니다.
어쩌면 저희가 여러분들께 혼란을 안겨드릴지도 모릅니다.그러나 저희도 무거운 마음으로 검토하고 검토한 선택이자 개입입니다.

어쩌면 동방신기라는 팀을 좋아하는 이유가 제각기 다르듯,어떤 분들은 그런 저희의 의도를 전혀 새롭게 받아들일지도 모르겠습니다.’쟤들 누구를 두둔하는 거야, 무슨 목적이 있는 거야. 나서?’ 그런 생각 하고 싶지 않아도 극단적인 개인팬분들 기회가 많았던 저희는 어느 정도 씁쓸한 예상이 됩니다.

하지만, 상황에서 모든 사태를 균형 있게 보고 바른 판단을 하여 엇나간 것들을 바로 잡을 사람도,카시오페아와 비기스트 우리 팬들- 우리 자신 바라보고 지켜줄 사람이 하나 없다는 사실이 안타깝고 안타깝습니다. 회의를 하고 해봐도, 결론은 하나 밖에 나오지 않습니다.저희는 그런 역활을 자처하고 계약 당사자들을 압박하고 싶고,그럴 밖에 없습니다.선택지가 하나 뿐입니다.
덧붙여, 글이 나오기 전까지 루머에 대한 당부를 드리고 싶습니다.
모든 부모님들께서 친절하게 맞아주셨지만,들은 것은 생각보다 심각한 갈등 상황이었습니다.이미 이야기가 일부 팬들에게 번진 터라,그걸 극단적 개인팬이 자기 입장에 유리하도록 글을 만들어 올렸고- 루머 이글루스가 속속 나타났고,그로 인해서 이미 갈등하고 있던 부모님들 사이가 더더욱 감정적 골이 깊어져 있었다는 알수 있었습니다. 모든 부모님들께 그런 믿지 마시라 말씀을 드렸지만 자신의 자식 혹은 동생에 관한 이야기인데 어찌 보고 마음이 편안할 있겠습니까. 말씀 중에도 이런 이야기는 너무 억울하다-라는 식으로 약간씩 루머 언급이 있었습니다.
저희가 여러 사람을 모두 만나본 결과 처음부터 끝까지 사실로만 말짱한 이글루스는 찾아볼 없더군요.적당한 사실 속에 앞으로 자신들을 보호할 용도의 말이 교묘히 들어있는 것이 저희 눈에는 너무 보였고,그냥 자기가 좋아하는 멤버 몸만 챙기면 된다 식으로 다른 멤버를 비난하는 날카로운 말들에 화가 나더군요.

루머는 갈등을 심화시킬 뿐입니다. 섣부른 추측은 하지 말아주세요.저희가 판단하기에 사실이 아닌 것들도 버젓이 돌아다니고 있어 안타깝습니다.
구체적 입장차를 명시한 다음 글을 올리기에 앞서,많은 분들과 계속 대화할 의지를 갖고 있습니다.일이 터지고 연락 안닿는 분들이 몇분 계시는데 저희 연락처 아실테니 연락 주시길 바랍니다.

긴글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.
*본글을 변형 도용하지 마세요.동방신기 팬사이트 외의장소로 퍼감을 금지합니다.기자분들 기사 내실 거면 따로 연락 주세요

*팬분들께서 궁금한 점이 많으시겠지만 ㅠㅠ, 일단 저희도 계속 모니터링하며 쓰고 논의를 해야하기 때문에 질문은 사절합니다.양해 부탁드립니다.


This is the admin of DNBN.

Regretfully, I cannot say a greeting today. I hope you understand.

I’m sure that all of you are in shock and lost for words after hearing the news on July 31st regarding the injunction, suspending the effect of the exclusive contract, and as fans ourselves, we can totally identify with what you are going through.

We were also caught off guard as if we were hit on the head with something, and we’re still in shock even at this time.

There were many events that happened after DNBN separated [DNBN was part of another site], but nothing compares to this.

I know we had lots of room for improvement, but thanks to your support and trust, we always worked to be objective and calm and always had discussions and evaluated ourselves. We were just mere fans, but we found out how complicated the fandom is, made mistakes, and learned a lot of things in this short period of time. Anyways, our goal was to enjoy TVXQ through DNBN, and we were always pleased that we could be of little help.

To be frank with you, I have a lot of things to talk about.

I already found out that various conflicts were brewing, and had 1:1 meetings with the parents of the members and S.M. Entertainment around the end of June. I’m sure some of you are surprised by it. The reason we never mentioned about it is to prevent our actions and words causing any trouble in case things got resolved. We were just trying to be quiet, and I hope you understand.

While keeping this among ourselves, our hearts were heavy with distress, held countless hours of meetings to discuss the matter, and hated the fact that we were suffering because of the conflicts. However, just like other fans, it doesn’t change that we want smooth resolution for the healthy existence of TVXQ.

It is going to be difficult to tell long and sensitive details because of that. Since these are not pleasant stories, we’d like to tell you just enough to have positive effect, and more detailed facts will be told after having close discussions and review for some time.


Now, this is for the members, parents, and S.M. Entertainment who would be reading this.

Now you will leave the private discussions, and put our effort to be on offensive through media. Immediately, this place will become the battle zone for the best media players, and the fans will be confused.

However, please don’t forget this one thing.

As you are aware, the mere discussion of keeping TVXQ will cause huge social impact. We cannot foresee what kind of reaction will happen afterward. Please do not think lightly of this. I guarantee that you won’t reach good result if you don’t take this seriously. The fans surely cannot be the outsider in this, and they will be the victims if any negative change happens.

We are always TVXQ.

This is our motto. We always supported TVXQ, and we want to support them. Cassiepeias, actively supported  even the overseas activities as one, Bigeasts, who are also in panic, and countless fans of Asia, America, and Europe… They supported and trusted only TVXQ.

We are not the representatives of the fans, but because we already went through the emotions, if the conflict surfaces and battled out, we are seriously worried about the fans who will get hurt. We truly feel for them.

The members and the S.M.Entertainment (+the parents) should have tried their best for the fans to not find out about the troubles regarding the contract while the issues were under the surface, and if you didn’t do that, then you should put your best effort now for the smooth resolution.

If any side tries to play game by taking fans as hostage, we won’t sit and do nothing. We wish for an amicable settlement, but on the other hand, we’ll be watching you with cool and objective eyes.


It is possible that it is us who may be creating confusion to the fans, but we decided to get involved with heavy heart after thinking about it over and over.

Just like there are many reasons for liking TVXQ, some may take our intentions wrongly. “Why are they taking sides? They must have an agenda, why are they interfering?” We don’t want to think that way, but sadly, because we had many chances to encounter extreme individual fans, we can expect it somewhat.

It is frustrating that there’s no one to look at this crisis with balance and make a correct decision to fix what went astray, and it is again frustrating that there’s no one to protect our fans, Cassies and BigEasts. We only got one conclusion after going through many meetings. That is to voluntarily assume that role and pressure the parties involved, and we have to do it. That’s the only choice we’ve got.


Also, we’d like to ask you regarding the rumors until new announcement is posted.

Every parents treated us kindly, but what we’ve heard about the situation was a lot more serious than what we thought. Some of these info were already spread among some fans, and some extreme individual fans already wrote articles in their favor – many egloos [blogs] with rumors started appearing, and we found out that the wounds of the parents who were already in disagreement got deeper because of those. We told every parents to not believe such things, but I’m sure they’re uncomfortable since those are about their children and brothers. They did mention a few times that some of the rumors were unfair during conversations.

After meeting many people, there wasn’t a single egloos we could find that was factual all the way. We could easily see that cleverly disguised posts to protect themselves within some facts. We were upset at sharply criticizing other members just to protect one of the favorite member.

Rumor will magnify conflicts. Please do not make a hasty speculation. It’s frustrating that some stuff that we think is not true are openly floating around.


Before posting next announcement listing different stances in detail, we are willing to have continuous conversations with many of you. We weren't able to contact some of you after things happened, so please contact us since you have our contact info.

Thank you for reading this long post.

* Do not modify or use this post. Copying is prohibited except to other TVXQ fan sites. Reporters, please contact us if you're planning to print this

* I’m sure fans have many questions ㅠㅠ, but we need to have further discussion while monitoring the situation to write posts, so we won’t take any questions. Please understand.


So that was the post she made that got all the ex-admins in trouble with the members, I mean the infiltrators from Ikadong.

After the admin "Byul" resigned from DNBN and DNBN server was moved to the current address of, she kept the original and wrote many posts about interviews she had with the parents, her opinions about the issues, and directions for the fans to take to get the 5 back. If you know Korean, you should visit the site and read her posts, especially the interviews with the parents. I may translate some of her posts in the future. She also created a site "saveTVXQ" in an effort to get the 5 back by demanding resolution from both SM & CJS, but it didn't work out and the site is closed now and the address redirects to

I think at the time that announcement was posted, they were already aware of the 6.25 meeting, and also knew the conflict started because of the cosmetics business. CJS' fans, who already received "directives" from the 6.25 meeting, and were actively spreading rumors by then, took over the site and kicked the true OT5 admins out, and we all know what happened to DNBN afterward.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[Video] The Story of TVXQ

Here's a video made by a fan at Daum Telzone TVXQ Gallery (her nickname is Maximum). I've been working on translating it with few other people, and we just finished it today. Besides the English version, there are Japanese, Chinese and (of course) a Korean version of the video uploaded on her channel so check them out. She's working on translating it to other languages, and many i-fans are volunteering for the task. It's nice to see the fans working together. :)

* Now she added the vids in French and Spanish translations as well. It is really nice to see all the fans working together to make it happen. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

DNBN Part I - How the site was taken over

As most fans of TVXQ know, the most prominent fan site of TVXQ was DNBN (동네방네 Dong Nae Bang Nae). Many fans, including international fans, used to visit the site to get the latest info about TVXQ.
DNBN's address was originally "", but soon after the breakup, most of the original admins resigned (basically kicked out), and the site was moved to the current address "" and is run by new admins. After the take over by the new admins, it turned into a fan site that only gave supports to the 3 instead of giving equal supports to all 5 members while advocating itself to be an OT5 fan site.

So what happened to it? Why was a most popular TVXQ fan site became a site that only supports CJS?

Here's a well known post by a blogger that explains in detail what happened at DNBN after the lawsuit was filed. It was posted on 1/28/2011, right after Akadong and DNBN finally decided to show their true colors by officially announcing their sole support of the 3..

Here's the original Korean Text, and the translation.

아... 네, 이카동 공지 이후에. 이미 예상하고 있었던 일이 일어났습니다.
이카동 띠까리 동네방네가 공식적인 현판 갈아치우기 작업을 실행한 거에요. 
그런데, 너무나 뻔뻔스럽고 참 대담해서 이 상황에 대해 어리둥절하신 분들을 위해서 제가 부연설명을 하고싶어 졌어요.
정말 짜증나고 분해서. 동네방네가 여기까지 오게 된 그 전말이 너무나 궁금하신 분들을 위해서 제가 설명을 드리고 싶어졌다 이 말씀입니다.

왜 제가 동네방네를 그토록 역겨워 하는 줄 아십니까? 어째서 삼네방네라고 불리는 지 아시냐구요.
제가 판이 이지경이 될 때까지 동네방네에서 무슨 일이 있었는 지 설명드리죠.

소송이 터지고 나서... 그래도 그나마 예의있다고 '저 또한' 자부했던 동네방네 또한 루머 판이 됩니다.
규칙은 무용지물이 되고, 온갖 루머들이 돌아다녔죠. 그래서 결국 전 관리자였던 한 분이 공지글을 띄우게 됩니다.
그때 당시에는 저 또한 그 공지를 믿지 못했습니다. 대체 그 관리자라는 게 뭐길래? 이런 공지글을 세우는 거지?
게다가 니가 아버지를 만났다고? 웃기고 있네.

그리고 거의 대부분의 회원분들은 여기에 저처럼 반기를 들었죠. 
마스터 분이 자신의 권력을 남용했다는 듯이 분위기를 몰아갔어요. 저도 사실.. 그 분위기에 합류해서, 또 신속히 이 소동이 마무리 될 거라고 생각했기에
그 관리자분의 말이 허무맹랑하고 이상한 분위기를 조장하고 있다고 믿었죠.
사실 이때부터 의심을 했어야 하는데.. 동네방네라는 곳이 관리자분들에게 이래라 저래라 하는 경우가 많지 않거든요.
하지만 시기가 시기인지라, 또 사안이 사안인 지라 회원분들이 화가 났다고 믿은 저는... 그런데... 뭔가 이상했습니다.

다락방에서, 혹은 그 공지의 댓글창에서 목소리를 높이며 회원들을 '선동'하다 시피 한 분들 대다수가,
신생 회원으로 추정되는 분들이었거든요. 갑자기 나타나신 분들이 갑자기 끼어들어서 일명 물타기를 하기 시작한겁니다.
제 느낌이겠거니 하고 넘어갔지만, 나중에서야, 한참 후에서야 깨달았죠. 그게 물타기였다는 것을.

그분들이 어디서 유입된 분들일까요? 대체 누구였을까요?

그때 당시 다락방에 이카동 캡쳐가 하나 올라왔었습니다. 아주 우연히. 사실 지금은 그게 우연인지도 의심가는 바이지만...

바로 이카동에 누군가가 동네방네의 관리를 부탁하는 캡쳐였습니다. 그리고 그 글들에 대한 댓글들은 그것에 대해 옳다는 쪽으로 이미 기운상태였구요.

한마디로 말해서 이카동에서 관리가 나오기 시작한거에요. 그 캡쳐는, 그것을 알려주는 시발점이었구요.

실제로 이카동과 동네방네에서 똑같은 아이디/닉네임을 쓰시던 분들은 그 캡쳐 이후에 관리자에 대한 글들을 많이 올리셨었던 것이 밝혀졌고.
일단 그분들은 그 캡쳐 이후에 다 잡아내어지게 됩니다. 그런데, 아이디/닉네임이 다른 분들은 잡아낼 재간이 없었죠. 
결국 남은 이카동 스파이 분들은 더 활개를 치기 시작했습니다. 사태는 그 이전보다 더 악화되기 시작했어요.
그 캡쳐 이후에 이카동 분들을 어느정도 추스려 냈다고해도
이미 분위기는 기울었으니... 조금만 더, 조금만 더 불을 지피면 상황 오버였으니까요. 그분들이 물러설 이유는 없었죠.
정말... 절망스러웠습니다. 제 눈에는 누가 선동하고 있는 줄 뻔히 보이는데도, 너 이상한데 라고 댓글만 달면... 뭐.. 상상에 맡기시겠습니다.

결국 그 이후에 여러 관리자님들과 스텝님들은 탈퇴를 하시게 됩니다.
근데 가관이었어요. 그때동안 일해주신 건 생각안하고 등을 떠밀었죠. 악성댓글을 달고.
진짜 예의하나는 바르신 분들이었는데.... 아주 댓글란은 참혹했죠.
이때까지 수고하신 분들에게 아주 꺼지라며 침을 뱉는 꼴이었어요. 그리고 저는 그 댓글란을 보면서 동네방네에 대한 모든 애정을 접게됩니다.
진짜... 참, 

그리고 그 이후에- 현 org를 버리고 주소와 서버를 이전하자는 글들이 올라와요. 
근데 또 어떤 분이 정말 혜성같이 등장하십니다. 대체 어디서 나온건지 알 수도 없는데
현 동네방네 총 관리자인 사유리라는 분이, 갑자기 등장하게 됩니다.
대체 어디서 나타나셨는지. 여하간 자기가라는 도메인을 사놨다면서 이전작업을 착수하겠대요.
회원들은 거기에 동의를 했죠.

근데 저는 그 꼴이 참 웃기고 어이가 없었습니다. 진짜 어디서 듣도보도 못한 분이 갑자기 나타나서

마치 이 상황을 모두 다 예상하고 있었다는 듯이 도메인을 사다놓은 그 상황을 의심조차 하지 않는 이 멍청한 회원들의 대갈통이라니.

진짜... 병신같은 것들.

하기사. 진짠지 훼이크인지 어쩐지 신상정보를 올려놨기도 했으니 병신같은 회원들은 그걸 곧이곧대로 믿었겠죠.

뭐~ 그리고 그 이후에는 여러분이 아시는 바와 같이 그 물타기/선동을 도맡아 했던 분들이 
도메인 이전 후에 스텝/관리자 신청란에 지원을 하게 되요. 전에 관리하셨던 분들은 진짜;; 백에 하나 찾아볼 수 있을까 말까 하게 지원을 하고..
스텝/관리자에 신청하신 대다수는...
누구냐고요? 누구긴 누구겠어요 한자리 맡으려고 발악하던 이모님들이지.

그래서 제가 동네방네와 이카동에 학을 떼는 겁니다. 이카동이라고 별 다를 줄 아십니까?
지금 동네방네에서 한가닥 한다 하시는분들 거의다 이카동 분들이시구요. 동네방네에 난입해서 개판 만들어 놓은게 바로 그 이카동 분들입니다.

한마디 하건데 지금 동네방네와 이카동을 분리해서 생각하시는 것은 전혀 도움이 안되요.

동네방네=이카동입니다. 그냥 간단하게 이렇게 생각하시면 되요.
뭐... 결론에 비해서 서론과 본론이 좀 길었죠? 뭐 그냥 이건 제 넋두리라고 생각하시고. 이만 이 포스팅을 접도록 하겠습니다.


Ah…Yes, after the announcement by Akadong, its pawn DNBN officially changed their stance as expected. However, their move is so shameless and daring, it gave me the urge to further explain the situation to the people who are baffled by all this.
It’s so annoying and upsetting, I want to tell the whole story to those who are curious, how DNBN came to this.

Do you know why I am so disgusted at DNBN? Do you know why its called “SamNeBangNe” ? (note: Sam means Three in Korean, and DNBN is called “SamNeBangNe” by some fans because of they always supported only the 3) I will explain what happened at DNBN.

After the lawsuit… DNBN, considered to be courteous including myself, was run over with rumors. Rules became useless, and all kinds of rumors floated around prompting one of the ex-admin to post an announcement.

But at that time, even I couldn’t trust the announcement. I thought, who did she think she was? Why did she make such an announcement? On top of that, she met their parents? Bullcrap!

And most of the members opposed her just like I did. The atmosphere was turning towards the admin abusing her power.
 Even I... went along with it. I thought this crisis would be resolved soon, and I thought what she said was absurd and believed she was making things weird.

Actually, I should’ve suspected something at that time because it was rare at DNBN to tell the admins this and that, but I just felt that the members were upset because of the timing and (the sensitivity of) the issue… but, something was strange.

Most of the people instigating the members in the attic (members only forum) or posting replies on her announcement looked to be new members. They suddenly came out and started to drive members’ opinions.
I overlooked it thinking I was just being sensitive, but I realized much later that they were manipulating opinions.

Where did they come from? Who were they?

Around that time, a screencap from Akadong happened to be posted. I have doubts now if it was just a happening…
It was a screencap of someone asking Akadong to control DNBN. And the replies to that post were already agreeing to the request.

Simply said, Akadong came out to manipualte opinions. That screencap was telling the start of their actions.

After the screencap was posted, it was actually discovered that the members who were using the same id/nickname in both Akadong and DNBN were making many posts about the admin, and those people were all caught. However, there was no way to catch people who had different id/nickname.

Eventually, the rest of the Akadong spies became more active, and the situation started to get worse than before.
Even though some people from Akadong were weeded out after the screencap, they had no reason to back off since the opinions already tilted…… just a bit more push and the situation would be over.

It was really…hopeless. I could clearly see who were the manipulators, but if one raises any kind of question about them… well, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.

Eventually, many admins and staffs resigned. It was a ridiculous sight to see. They were pushed away without considering all the work they’ve done until then. They were bashed… They were such courteous people…

The comments were cruel. It was like spitting and telling them to get lost after all the effort they put into. I removed any affection I had towards DNBN after seeing those comments.


And after that, suggestions started to come up to abandon the ‘org’ address and to move the address and server. Then, someone suddenly comes on to the scene. Sayuri, the current head administrator of DNBN, came out of nowhere. She said that she purchased ‘’ domain name and will begin the moving process. The members agreed to it.

I found that laughable and ridiculous. I mean, those foolish members with bird’s brain didn’t even question the situation where someone who was never seen or heard before suddenly comes out with a domain already purchased like it was already planned.
Really those… dumbasses.

I guess since she disclosed her personal info whether it was true or not, those foolish members probably trusted it at its face value.

Well~ after that, as all of you know, those who participated/instigated in manipulating members’ opinions volunteered for the staff/admin positions. Maybe one in hundred former admins applied for the positions.
Who were the most of the applicants for the staff/admins? Who else? It’s those aunties frantically trying to grab a position.

That’s why I am so sick of DNBN and Akadong. You think Akadong is any different? People who are “prominent” at DNBN are mostly from Akadong, and they’re the ones who broke into DNBN and ruined the site.

One thing I want to say, there’s no use separating Akadong and DNBN
DNBN = Akadong, simple as that.

Well, was my post too long to get to this simple conclusion? I’ll end the post now. Just consider it my grumblings.


Here's the summary of the above post: the rumors were rampant at DNBN, and one of the admin posted some kind of announcement to control the situation. Akadong members infiltrated DNBN and used the admin's announcement as an excuse to kick out the existing admins and took over DNBN then moved the domain and server to the current location.

So that's how DNBN was taken over, and how they became a CJS fan site.

I'm sure the readers have many questions now. What was the announcement the original admin made that caused her to get bashed from the members, leading to her resignation along with other admins? Are there any proof that Akadong members manipulated DNBN? What happened to the old domain? Wasn't DNBN supporting all 5 at least until Yunho and Changmin decided to come back as TVXQ, prompting them to change their stance?

The above topics will be covered in my future posts.