
Thursday, February 17, 2011

CJS's fans in action part II

Here are more examples of what some fans did to spread the rumors created from 6.25 meeting. I put the screenshot of the originals, my translation, and the Korean transcript. There are 3 posts and replies to the posts. If you have high blood pressure, I suggest you to skip this. You have been warned.
I won't be analyzing these. Just reading the translation should be enough.

First one shows how they recruited people to perform certain tasks to spread the rumors.


★ We need an admin for Data Forum!!!!!!! + Recruiting more members for Writing Task Force!!!!!!! 

Hi, this is 망고신.
I'm posting to recruit a member to be the admin of the data forum.
You guys all know the data forum will be private, and we decided to run it by emailing new data to the admin. (It doesn't necessarily have to be the admin. Members of Writing Task Force should be good too. Decide after discussing with Task Force members. The usernames of the Writing Task Force members are listed below.)

We need to select an admin to get things going with the documents, but nobody's volunteering to be the admin. On top of that, I won't be able to be on the computer after early August because I'm going to be busy. ㅠㅠ so I can't be the admin. That's the reason I went from Writing Task Force to 3rd Task Force ㅠㅠ
I'm sorry.

So we're recruiting volunteers for Data Admin and Writing Task Force members. 

Writing Task Force is not difficult. You just need to know well about the circumstances so far, and cherish ChunJaeSu. 

We need the following documents.
[A detailed step-by-step description of the situation from the beginning
A summary
How HoMin's side has been spreading rumors (How they mentioned families, spreading rumors on the portal sites, what their fathers said etc.)
About Crebeau (This is old news, but we don't know how it's going to blow up after the breakup, so it's probably better to have them organized).]
I think the above 4 should do. There are enough circumstantial evidences for 3 and 4, so attach some evidences.
Well, this is just my idea, and Task Force members can have a meeting at another time and decide.

And we need a Data admin. I'd like members who have been active in our little meetings to volunteer if possible.
People.... we need your participation ㅠㅠ
I didn't know I was going to leave because of personal reasons. ㅠㅠ It's frustrating ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Post your intentions to volunteer for the admin and additional Task Force in this thread.
I ask for many of you to participate.

Replies (9)

Junsukim    ㅠㅠ I'm not capable and don't even know how to do it, so I'll just do my best on what I've 
                    already volunteered for. I'm sorry. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 

나야        ㅠㅠㅠ Me too.ㅠㅠㅠ I'm just watching what's going on. I have organized the rumors, 
                    but I can't readily volunteer because I've never been an admin anywhere else. I'm frustrated
                    at myself. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 

ㄴ 망고신      No 나야 it's ok. ㅠㅠ I thank you for just leaving a msg like this. ㅠㅠ Don't think it's 
                    too hard! Writing task force is not that hard. ㅠㅠ Do you want to join the Writing Task
                    Force? If you think it's too much for you, you can do something else. 

ㄴ 망고신      Also, there's not much to be an admin. You just need to maintain posts. That forum will 
                    only be accessed by the admins and Writing Task Force members, so it won't really
                         require much maintenance.

ㄴ 나야           I'm on the fence because I am not confident in any of the tasks 1,2 and 3.  ㅠㅠ I'm worried
                   I'd just be interfering other members. Anything else I can do? Let's discuss if there is. ㅠ 

ㄴ 망고신       No. Just your participation is helping. How about number 2? Is it too much for you to 

에끌라            I'll be the admin. I'm on the computer from 8 or 9 until 1 in the morning. ㅋㅋㅋ I feel
                   like a loser now. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Since I'm on the computer for a long time, I think I can take 
                   care of the maintenance. 

ㄴ 망고신      Oh!!!! That's awesome! ㅠㅠㅠ (Pad on the back) ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'll be recruiting for 
                   2 days, so let's see what happens. ㅠㅠㅠ Thank you so much. ㅠㅠㅠ (Pad on the back) 

사용가능닉   This is what you posted... Sorry ㅠㅠ I'll help with something else. Please people, let's all 

Korean Transcript  

★ 자료실 지기햏 모집하오!!!!!!!!!!! + 글쓰기 전담반햏들 추가 모집하오!!!!!!!!★
글쓴이 망고신 

안녕하시오 망고신햏이라오.
다름이 아니오라 자료실 지기햏을 모집하기 위해 이렇게 글을 쓰오.
아시다시피 자료실은 비공개로 운영하며 지기햏에게 자료를 메일로 보내는 형식으로 운영하기로 결정났소
( 굳이 지기햏 아니고 글쓰기 전담반햏들이라도 괜찮을것 같숴. 그것은 글쓰기 전담반 햏들이랑 얘기하고 결정하시구랴. 저 밑에 글쓰기 전담반 햏들 닉네임 있소 )

 자료실 지기가 얼른 뽑혀야 글도 진행이 되는데 지기햏에 아무도 지원하지 않고 있소.
또한 업친데 덮친 격으로 햏도 8월 초순 이후로는 바빠져서 컴퓨터를 잘 못할듯 하오 ㅠㅠ... 그래서 햏도 지기를 맡을 수가 없구랴.글쓰기 전담반에서 3번 전담반으로 ㄱ것도 같소 ㅠㅠ...
죄송하다는 말씀 드리오.

 그래서 지기햏과 글쓰기 전담반 햏들 모집하오 

글쓰기 전담반 어려운 거 아니오. 그냥 지금까지의 사정을 잘 알고 있고 천재수를 위하는 마음만 있으면 되오 

[ 처음부터 끝까지 차근차근 지금까지의 상황을 정리한 구체적인 내용 하나
요약본 하나
호민측의 물타기( 가족까지 들먹이며 루머 뿌린 거. 포털싸이트에 루머글 뿌린 거. 아버님 말씀 등)
끄레뷰 얘기 ( 이것 썩은 떡밥이라고 하나 나중에 해체되면 어디서 어떻게 일이 터질지 모르니 정리해두는 게 좋겠소.)]

이렇게 네 개만 만들면 될 것 같소. 특히 3,4번은 정황상 증거도 많으니 증거첨부해서 만들면 될 것이오.
뭐 이건 햏의 생각이고 나중에 글쓰기 전담반 햏들끼리 모이셔서 정하셔도 좋게구랴

그리고 지기햏 필요하오. 되도록이면 소모임에서 많이 활동하던 햏들이 신청해주셨음 좋겠구랴.
햏들........참여가 필요하오 ㅠㅠ....
햏도 개인사정때문에 이렇게 나갈 줄은 몰랐소 ㅠㅠ 답답하구랴 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

지기햏, 글쓰기 전담반 추가 신청 여기다가 해주시오
제발 많은 참여 바라오.

댓글 9개

Junsukim          ㅠㅠ 햏은 능력도 없고 어떻게 하는 줄도 몰라서 지금 신청한것 열심히 하게쏘ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ죄송
                         하옹 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㄴ 나야            햏도 ㅠㅠㅠ 지금 눈치만 보고있숴.뉴쪽은 대충 루머 정리했는데 햏 어디서고 지기 이런걸 안해봐서 선
                         뜻 나서질 못하겠숴 이런 내가 답답하오.ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㄴ 망고신        아니요 햏 ㅠㅠ 나야햏 아니오ㅠㅠ 이렇게 글 남겨주는 것만으로도 고맙숴 ㅠㅠ 너무 어렵게 생각하지
                         마시오! 글쓰기 전담반 어려운거 아니용 ㅠㅠ 그럼 글쓰기 전담반 하시겠쏴? 너무 부담스러우면 다른
                         거 하셔도 괜찮숴

ㄴ 망고신        글고 지기 어려운 거 아니고 걍 게시물 관리만 하는거요. 거기 글쓰기 전담반 햏들이랑 지기햏만 볼 수
                         있는 공간으로 만들꺼라 딱히 뭐 관리 안해도 된다옹.

ㄴ 나야            뒤에 전담반 모집 1.2.3 어느것도 제대로 잘 해낼 자신이 없어서 눈치보고 있는거오.ㅠㅠㅠ 괜히 다른 
                         햏들한테 피해만 줄까봐.또 뭐 다른거 또 할거 없소? 있으면 의논해 봅시다.ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㄴ 망고신         아니오 햏 나야햏 참여만 해주시는 것만으로도 도움되오 ㅠㅠ 2번은 안되겠소? 심히 부담스럽소?ㅠㅠ

에끌라              행히 그러면 지기에 한표 내겠소. 햏 8-9시경부터 새벽 1시경까지 컴터하오..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이러니까 
                          참 : 잉여같구랴 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 일단 잡고 있는 시간이 많으니까 관리는 할 숭 있지 않을까 싶소.
ㄴ 망고신         오!!!!!!!!!햏 짱이오 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ햏 궁디팡팡 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
                          일단 신청기간은 한 이틀정도로 잡았으니 한 번 봅시다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ햏 너무 고맙소 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ궁디팡팡

사용가능닉      이렇게 글이 올라왔구랴....미안하오 햏ㅠㅠ 다른 방면에서 돕겠소 다른햏들 많이들 신청해 주시구랴ㅜ


Another one. It's self-explanatory.


This is what I posted on Best Dresser anonymous forum
(* Best Dresser is the name of a board.)
Poster: Cream Cheese

TVXQ requested SM to improve the condition of the contract.
(They even paid for plane fares for activities in Japan;; It's a slave contract.)
If the request weren't accepted, all 5 of them were going to leave together, but
SM tried to split all 5 apart and came between them by offering a role in a drama, for example.
U-Know and Max Changmin chose to stay in SM, and that's how they each got a starring role in a drama.
I heard about Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yuchun, Xiah Junsu's cosmetics business or something.
The three are just investors, and it has nothing to do with the rumors of the breakup.
Real cause was those two.
It was the leader and quiet Max Changmin that betrayed.
The situation is very similar to H.O.T. days.
(SM) didn't want all 5 to leave so they grabbed anyone they could and those are the two.


Change the way it's written a little bit, and spread it to many places as possible.

In anonymous forums, you should post replies like "Wow, they're back stabbers."

2 Replies

    You posted on BeD? I'll check it out.

     I think it's enough, you should delete this, otherwise it may look suspicious.

Transcript in Korean

베드 익명방에 올린거
글쓴이 크림치즈 

동방신기가 sm한테 계약조건 좋게해달라고 요구하고
(얘네 일본활동 비행기표도 다 얘네 돈이었다고;; 노예계약이었다하긔)
안들어주면 다섯이서 나가기로 약속했는데
sm이 다섯명 다 찢어놓을려고
에셈이 드라마 시켜주겠다 이런식으로 이간질하다가
유노랑 최강창민이 sm에 남는다고 선택해서 드라마 주연 된거래요
영우재중 믹키유천 시아준수 화장품사업인가 얘기도 들었는데
얘네 셋은 그냥 투자자들 중에 세명이지 해체설에 아무 상관없다고 하고
알고보니 진짜 이유는 얘네 둘.
리더하고 조용했던 촤강창민이 배신한거였긔
에쵸티떄처럼 상황이 좀 비슷하게 돌아가는거같긔
다섯 다 같이 나가는건 못보니 아무나 잡자해서 잡힌게 저 둘이라고..
말투 조금씩 바꿔서 퍼뜨릴 수 있는 곳엔 다 퍼뜨려주시오
익명방이라면 햏들이
'헐 뒷통수쳤네;'
이런식으로 더 달아주시오

댓글 2개

베드에 올렸소? 햏 가보리다
햏 이정도 했으면 글 ㅍ하시구랴 안 그러면 의심 받을 수도 있소

Last one. I already gave you a health warning.


I'm going to post this on a forum
Poster: Cream Cheese

5 TVXQ requested (to modify) the condition of the contract, and decided to leave together if that doesn't work. (It was a such a slave contract, they even paid for their own airfares.)
SM came between them just like H.O.T. days.
So U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin joined hands with SM. (That' why only those two are doing drama)
Oh, the 3 were notified from SM that the 2 are staying with SM after quite a while.

Umm.. what was it... Oh! Xiah Junsu, Micky Yuchun, and Hero Jaejoong was in some kind of cosmetics business, and when a fan talked to the president from the main office, he already knew about the stories that the cosmetics business causing breakup, and if that continues, he even said that they'd sue the people who keep talking about it. He said the 3 are just part of many investors.

So the conclusion is

5 made a request to SM->SM comes in between->U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin were lured->two gets starring roles in dramas

That was the post I read, and there were some news articles published today about Changmin and Yunho, so I think it's correct.

Isn't it similar to H.O.T. days?  Except they grabbed the most popular members at that time, but this time they got the two who happened to be lured.

To be honest, I didn't think those two would be in dramas.

There were more, but I cannot remember all ㅠㅠㅠ I'll add more if I recall.


I pretended to be an ordinary person ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Replies (11)

김준수정ㅋ벅ㅋ  "Some kind of cosmetics business" ㅋㅋ Did great pretending like a non-fan ㅋㅋㅋ
제발                  Aren't you going to post this on (ㅅㄷㄴㄴ) cafe? Use the type of writing they use a
(please)              lot more ㅋㅋㅋ

박유천의그녀     "Umm.. what was it... Oh!" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Yuchun's girl)      I'm sorry. I'm laughing because it's so cute. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think it's good. 
                         It has what needs to be said, and doesn't have any useless extra stuff.

    ㄴ 망고신      2222222 This is very cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ and it must be included ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
                         ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

망고신               Oh ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Nice ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

크림치즈            ....... Thank you guys ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'll post it now and come back ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Cream Cheese)
준수kim            Can I use this post? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
유초니                  You did a good job ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ
동순이               zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Dong girl)
진리                   It's pure~~ oh pure smell ~~

Korean Transcript

펑방에 올릴거
글쓴이: 크림치즈
동방 다섯이서 에셈한테 계약조건 요구를 하고
안되면 다섯이서 같이 나가자고 이러던 차에
(비행기티켓값도 얘네가 다 냐야될 정도로 노예계약이었다고 했음)
에셈이 에쵸티때 처럼 이간질을 함
그래서 유노윤호 최강창민만 에셈손을 잡았다 하긔  (그래서 얘네 둘만 드라마 하는거고)
아 얘네 둘이 에셈에 남는다는걸 세명은 시간이 한참 지나고 에셈에서 통보받았다 했음

음 머였지..아! 시아준수 믹키유천 영웅재중이 무슨 화장품 사업하는걸로 얘기 있었는데
화장품 본사 사장한테 팬이 말했더니 화장품때문에 해체얘기 나돈거 다 알고있고
계속 이야기 나오면 그 얘기한 사람들 고소하겠다고까지 했다고함
얘네 세명은 많은 투자자들 중에 세명일 뿐이라고 했다하긔

그니까 결론은
다섯이서 에셈에 요구->에셈 이간질 -> 유노윤호 촤강창민 걸려듬-> 두 명 드라마 주연
제가 봤던 펑인데
오늘 촤강창민 기사 뜨고 유노윤호 기사도 뜨고 한거 보니까 맞는거 같아여
뭔가 에쵸티때랑 같지않긔?? 그땐 인기멤버를 잡았지만 지금은 그냥 걸려든 두명이 잡힌꺼빼곤
근데 솔직히 전 얘네 두명이 드라마할거라곤 생각도 못했긔
얘기가 더 있는데 다 생각이 안나네여 ㅠㅠㅠ 더 생각나면 추가하겠음

일반햏인척 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

댓글 11개

김준수정ㅋ벅ㅋ      무슨화장품 사업ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 일반인척 제대로 했구랴 ㅋㅋㅋ
제발                          이거 ㅅㄷ ㄴㄴ  카페 올릴 거 아니오? 긔체 좀 더 팍팍 쓰시오 ㅋㅋㅋ
박유천의그녀          음 머였지..아!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
                                  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 햏 미 ㅏ 안하오 귀여워서 웃는거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
                                  괜찮은거 같소 들어있을말은 다 들어있고 쓸데없는 말도 없고
ㄴ 망고신                 222222이거 되게 귀엽소 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 근데 이거 꼭 들어가야하오 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
                                  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋소 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
망고신                      오 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋닼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
크림치즈                   --------햏들 고맙소 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 지금 올리고 오겠소 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
준수kim                    이거 퍼가도 되오? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
유초니                      햏~잘 쓰셨소~ㅎㅎㅎ
동순이                       zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
진리                           퓨어하오~ 오 퓨어스멜~~


  1. I missed your warning... And I am ready to blow... Hahahaha... But I will step back and try to read through again, I will do my research before I comeback. You know me... Critical to the core ^___^

    Oh, have you seen the 'translated version' by that other site? I still can't find any news on FTC ordering SM to reduce their contract length prior to the lawsuit. Do you have any research on that?

    Thanks precious... Happy #changminday !!!

  2. This is how H.O.T is brought as a prove of SM's evilness...
    First of all, H.O.T finished their contract,they finished what they've signed themselves, so it was totally the member's rights to stay, to leave, and totally SM's right whether they wanted to keep all five members or not.and the reason why JTL left was again, no one knew for sure other than those from rumors. It really seemed to me that these kids r too gullible, how old were they in average?

    "Except they grabbed the most popular members that time..." Phew, they do admit that Homin were least popular, so why the hell SM needed to sacrifice CJS for them?

    It's almost comical how all the mess was done planned and systematically, really. The parents, they're businessmen. They've planned this just like they've planned their investments. And to think that Homin were the ones who whines less in the past or present...

  3. omg..i cant believe it, hw can ppl be so cruel?defamation is more cruel than murder.
    i think i choose a right guy to make me become a fan of him, yunho.just look at this guy, u know hw sincere he is.
    these ppl i cant say anymore, hatred sips into their blood..blah.
    i hope JYJ just moves on, no need to drag the past again, they get wat they want.i just lose my respect for them but i dont hate them.
    *sigh crazy fangirls wat a lunatic
    but i think wat Mr. Churchill said was true
    "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"

  4. @ hyeonmu
    You mean the 6.25 file translation? Yeah I saw it. Just glanced through it, but I really didn't see anything too different than mine, but mine was called a rumor. :)

    FTC never ordered SM to change the length of the contract as far as I know.

    @ all
    I'm going to bed. It's past midnight here. Hope you guys don't get too upset after reading this.

  5. In anonymous forums, you should post replies like "Wow, they're back stabbers.

    i think that's the only. well. i don't know anymore, these fans.

    good night! and thanks for your hard works. (:

  6. In anonymous forums, you should post replies like "Wow, they're back stabbers."
    This sentence hurts me the most as a fan. The intention is malicious and without remorse.

    I cannot even.... T^T

  7. Hahahaha Precious thanks for your warning. Just shook my head again and again. Speechless..
    Don't they afraid of Karma? Bad attitude will get the bad karma sooner or later. Just wait and see. Yunho and Changmin, I salute you! God bless you, guys. Both of you will shine than ever. I believe that.

    Good Night, Precious. Once again, thank you for updating.

  8. they are laughing when spreading false rumour?
    omg, remmember karma girls~~ :D

    precious thx for the translation

    btw there's many news regarding SM injunction being rejected, i don't get any idea about this, pls straight this news to us ^^

  9. lol~ I can't get over how everyone blindly believed the poster/admin. No questioning done whatsoever. No one stopped to process the information - at LEAST ask WHY HoMin would stay for ONE drama each. Shouldn't that be the most logical question to ask first? I mean if all 5 left SM together, wouldn't you think HoMin would get MORE than JUST dramas offered to them by other companies? If HoMin sued with CJS, TVXQ's combined market value is enough to attract any entertainment company to sign them with great contract terms. If HoMin stayed in SM, they are just going to get two dramas filmed and be stuck with the so called 'slave contract'. It's funny because these fans assumed HoMin to be greedy enough to stay in SM for two dramas, but not greedy enough to ask for more from other companies if they left SM with CJS.

    @ Precious Thanks again for another wonderful post! I'm already anticipating the next post haha~

  10. Jyj keep going on and on about how they suffered when they were at sm but the damage they and those fans who spread those rumours have caused is worse than anything sm ever did to them. The Pain they have caused homin is too much. No wonder Yunho has not cried. He's still in shock. This just gets worse and worse as you add more posts. Just how low can they go. Thanks Precious, I'm not sure I want to read any more posts, but I'm a glutton for punishment of course I'll be back.

  11. Just speechless-To systematically character assassinate someone is just unfathomable-Honestly got into the fandom because of Yunho and Jae-and I just grew to love them as time went by but through all the mess always thought that CJS cannot possibly be a party to such viciousness and calculated moves-but the truth just breaks my heart-How could they stay silent when their "brothers" were being dehumanized-i was never a crazy fangirl, but now every night i do pray for HoMin and their happiness and Yunho , nothing more can be said about him except that one glance at him and you can see the honesty and just sheer sincerity in his eyes-I wish JYJ get what they want and leave HoMin alone-I can bear the gloating of JYJ stans if that means HoMin be free of this lawsuit drama.

  12. I wonder if those people still have a heart in them, really, just because they love JSC, that equal to whatever happen to Homin is not a matter (regard that they always whinning how JSC treasure Homin to raise the sympathy. Yeah, treasure so much that their fans feel not at all guilty to destroy two boys' reputation, not mention that they have no evidence besides the vague, unreasonable accusation from JSC's family)

    As for JSC, they don't mind what their fans doing to Homin, as long as they have what they want. Now they have money, sympathy and freedom, why don't leave Homin alone? It sicks me how the fans comment on Homin show that SM is evil for not letting Homin talk about JYJ on show, that they really miss JYJ, etc... Sorry, but I think JYJ is the last thing Homin want to think/talk about.

    Good night, Precious ^-^

  13. LMAO. Lunatic fans indeed... *shaking head*
    They're really shallow to think that Homin were greedy and can be lured by A drama. Comparing to cosmetic business tht one of the father even said has profit 10 - 100 million. Pffft....yes Homin is very very very GREEDY indeed /sarcasm/. But not these fans actually tht hurt me so, (though they're really really butthurt) but the igniters!!

    CJS and family, are u satisfied w/ ur job?!
    are u happy ??!! do u ever realize u have crucified 2 members ??
    hope u can sleep really well at night ^^

    I feel so much better if I can hate CJS, but dang! I cant!
    But I do hope they'll get their karma. What goes around, comes around.

    @Precious: Was this posted in open forum??!!! Really open forum? So basically people w/ account can read this post? So ppl who screencap this actually ex-CJS fans then??

  14. Just read on AKP that court just ruled that Crebeau was not responsible for JYJ/SM dispute-Looks like the courts are on JYJ's side which leads me to believe that there is a high possibility that the 3 might win the case-Hopefully once they get what they want HoMin can break free from all this drama!!

  15. There's this new article on allkpop saying that the court decided that crebeau isn't related with sm/jyj and therefore close the case? I really want to know whether this is new or not.
    I personally don't really care with that, because what makes me lose my respect to JYJ the most are their whiny actions after Homin comeback rather than why they left in the first place, but I'm just curious whether this is another fact twist by media.

  16. @reema
    Much as I hate thinking what would happen if JCS wins, I guess I agree that I am willing to live with all the relentless gloating of the win as long a HoMin heya the peace they so deserved. I just want this whole thing to end soon. I do not want to start to hate the 3 at the end. They still matter to me now, and I still believe they deserve to be happy as well. BUT NEVER at the expense of HoMin, I would never let that happen.

  17. @ all:

    '' Cosmetics company Crebeau has been found not guilty for the breakup of TVXQ.

    In July of 2009, the three members of JYJ had sued their now former company, SM Entertainment, stating that they were under “slave contracts”. After hearing such accusations, SME released a statement saying that the Crebeau company was to blame, as they were the ones who put such thoughts into their heads.

    Upon such remarks, Crebeau fired back, stating that SM was the one that had been hiding the internal problems they had with their own artists, and that the company was purposely misleading the public. Crebeau also proceeded to take legal action against SME due to the defamation of their company.

    After reviewing the case this past December, the courts decided that there was an insufficient amount of evidence to prove that Crebeau was guilty, and they therefore closed the case.''

    I see no official statement lol

    It is all just gossip talk xD

    Gosh if they believed this and IGNORED official signed statements i have no idea what to say lol

    The case is neither dismissed nor ruled :/

    + it is a part of the main lawsuit and the main lawsuit is still not ruled lol

    if the court said this now then what is the point of the session that is going to be held on March.

    For me this is another rumor .... an OBVIOUS one lol like their rumor about how SM stocks decreased where in fact it increased today LOL

    Lam people saying lame things so it would be believed by lame people LOL

  18. "I think it's enough, you should delete this, otherwise it may look suspicious"

    "Change the way it's written a little bit, and spread it to many places as possible"

    "In anonymous forums, you should post replies like "Wow, they're back stabbers."

    I can't believe they really did such dirty things to the leader and the maknae whom they had claimed to love all these 5 years.
    And I just come to understand more the complexity and manipulation of CJS parents and sister. They just drive all crazy, devoted fan girls into devils and they were and are willing to push the two children who they have known for years into their own mess

    I just hope the court rule JYJ win so that Homin never have anything to do with them again

    JYJ and these fans, they are hopeless. Seriously!

  19. i can't with these pathetic idiots...
    karma's a bitch so...

    i actually felt relief yesterday when the request for the injunction to the injunction was rejected. i just felt like at least that would be one less thing JYJ stans would feel resentful towards Homin about. i feel JYJ is ultimately going to win this case just for the contract problems alone. if that happens, good for JYJ, but the more important thing is Homin can finally move on from this whole ordeal.

  20. This is very low... The lowest (or not? shiver..)

    I hope SME won & the court make the details public. After that, I hope SME will kick out JYJ & make them pay enormous amount of penalty for the damage JYJ causes to SME & Homin.

    I would be very happy if the court acknowledge that the cosmetic company is indeed the reason. After that, lets see what those fans will say. Ah, they will say SME bribes the court. (SME is so rich & JYJ is poor even though they can buy Ferrari? Pay for their own concert in US? whoopsie)

  21. @pinkdreamer88 i agree with you :)

    When i read that news on AKP, i literally just laugh. Because it's not even categorized as 'news'.

    It's more like someone made an opinion/conclusion and claim as a 'news/'truth'.

    "Crebeau also proceeded to take legal action against SME due to the defamation of their company." --> we know what happened with this : Crebeau drop the lawsuit & korean DA found out that CJS own 62.5% share of the cosmetics company.

    And yeah SM counter sued Crebeau for defamation and interruption of business --> "the courts decided that there was an insufficient amount of evidence to prove that Crebeau was guilty, and they therefore closed the case."

    All of the sudden [by the title of the article] the conclusion of it : "Cosmetics company Crebeau has been found not guilty for the breakup of TVXQ."

    How in the world they came up with that conclusion? I mean if they wanna fed the public with the wrong idea/rumor, they shouldn't do such a lousy job like that. Hahahaha.. We're not a five years old kid =D

    AKP, what a site :p

    About this post : I'm not that surprised/shock reading all this. After listen to 6.25 recording while reading precious's translation, it's pretty clear enough to me that since the beginning CJS decided to play dirty to get what they want.

    You want to clarified rumor? Held press conference. Not a secret meeting with fan club admin. Period.

    I even feel sorry for SM lately.

  22. @cat177 agree that what goes around comes around - I don't like wishing ill upon anyone in this world but in this case the wish is that these Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde characters feel the pain be it emotional in their lives-The JYJ stans are bashing HoMin again through unfounded rumors and what has me seething is that some of them are making statements like "Yunho should gave died from the poisioning" in response to Yunho's public acknowledgment of the incident on Strong Heart two days ago=I have never ever seen HoMin fans stoop down to such level-I am beginning to respect HoMin fans more and more everyday like I do HoMin!!

  23. @Freya87 i do hope SME won too. It's not just for Homin, but how damaged SME reputation because of all this.

    I used to be one of those ppl that bash SMEnt. And im sorry for all my fast wrong judgement bout them. If they won, at least they can prove that they're not the one that has been lying this whole time.

    Im tired listening ppl keep bashing on SM & labeling them like they even worse that a murderer.. *sigh*

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I find it really stupid how the fans were easily baited by the drama and endorsement offer to Yunho. Its like they completely disregarded how Junsu was offered Anyband then Jaejoong had Heaven's Postman. Anyone could see that even AVEX had some preferential treatment for CJS. Talk about double standard. The problem is they can't find a reason as to why Changmin stayed. Honestly, if there was one person in TVXQ that should've filed a complaint against SM it should've been him because he wasn't even being promoted individually. But the point is Changmin stayed so you'd really be curious as to what the whole thing was about. Everyday the self-respect I have for CJS is lowered because you can see the difference as to how Yunho and Changmin handled the problem compared to them. I think that CJS are milking the TVXQ thing for all its worth because they realize they're already at the point of no return. I think non-fans no longer recognize them as TVXQ but as JYJ, but the question is for how long will they be able to keep up their popularity without the backing of SM.

  26. @slixe
    ikr??? i was never ever an SM fan, but all these crazed JYJ stans are making me think twice! i feel weird now...

    about the poisoning comment, only someone truly evil or someone who is not right in the head can say a thing like that. it's just pure vitriolic hate towards Homin especially Yunho, and for what?? i get so toxic reading the comments that i've stopped going to JYJ-related sites now. i've even read things like Homin can go to hell or they wish JJ was the leader instead. (like really?? what did she think would've happened if someone else was the leader?)

    needless to say, my admiration for Yunho grows and grows everyday. he's like, made of steel or something. Changmin, you're not so bad either! lol j/k. happy birthday!

  27. @krystokkers
    That is a very good question just how long can there popularity last without them. As far as I know there popularity in Japan is already fading The Beginning only reached like 11th on the Oricon chart underselling what they predicted. If they lose Japan where those 3 were the most popular they have no choice but to push promotions elsewhere. Not only that but if they lose the lawsuit it will definitely put them in a different light to there fans who backed there every statement without question. But if they lose a question of were they they not telling the truth comes out.

  28. @ slixe
    The problem is that they consider it an official statement :/ now they ignored the signed statements by homin and their parents and believed this gossip talk?

    I guess they prefer believing a lie over admitting that they were lied to :/ How sad....


    And now they say that someone proved that the contract is unfair LOL did they forget what happened in 2004? when the parents signed that resolution? They were so OK with the contract then lol what did change?

  29. @cat1177
    I feel your sentiment on not going to JYJ sites anymore I think I am done with even reading JYJ articles. The comments are so volatile and if you say one thing they don't like there hurtful too. I am not saying there aren't Homin fans who do the same thing but it seems so predominate with JYJ fans. Some of them almost seem like children the way they act and is that really the image you want to give out.

  30. @pinkdreamer88
    JYJ fans choose too ignore that resolution since it's not in there best interest despite it being an official document. You ever notice the fans don't mention that they chose to lengthen there contract when they talk about the so called "slave" contract and it being way too long.

  31. @cat1177 Ikr? what is it mean? Btw, I'm not saying that im a SM fan, but lately i sympathize with their situation :) How they always the bad guy. And the other side is the victim of SM.

    I'm trying my best not to hate/bash JYJ in my comment (which is getting more difficult as more truth being revealed)

    @pinkdreamer88 i think for JYJ fans it's much easier to be in denial. Rather than process each information, analyze, use their brain & logic. It's easier to believe their heart & emotion, and doesn't hv too deal with the 'ugly truth'~

    Btw, off topic : I watch Homin Strong Heart episode, and i love it when changmin tell story about yunho & yunho's reaction is just too priceless ^^ He's super cute when he's laughing/embarrassed.. hehehe.. And Happy #ChangminDay <3

  32. @LadyYejin
    I also notice that CJS fans seem to ignore the resolution whereby their parents agreed wholeheartedly to lengthen the contract, which currently is called slave contract. It seems that CJS fans decide to keep themselves blinded and just support their oppas.

    Wishing someone dies is crazy. Sometimes, I don't understand why those fans hate Homin so much. It's as if they always try to find Homin's fault, but they can't find the proof so they just created gossip.

    To be honest, I don't think JYJ popularity could stay for long without SME, especially if SME won the case (hopefully). If SME won the case, we can say goodbye to JYJ, since as crazy as the fans can be now, I don't think they won't listen to the court & will start to think carefully. Sometimes, I wonder what JYJ will do if they lost?

  33. @LadyYejin I'm actually torn between wanting to see them win to see how far they'll go with what they have and what would happen to them if they lose the case, will they go back to SM? Because if I was SM, I would never take them back after all the damage they've done.

  34. i forgot to say that the comments about how they wish JJ was the leader instead and how Homin can go to hell, i remember reading this in soompi. which any soompier knows is a heavily moderated forum.

    sorry, i meant "i know, right?" (IKR)

    i read some stans whining about how come Super Junior's Bonamana is declared album with the most sales in 2010 when The Beginning sold almost 300,000 copies.
    err it was 300,000 copies but the fans totaled all the sales of each version. and then whined about it.

    i was truly amazed at all the support Homin got in Japan. i kind of didn't expect it.

  35. @cat1177
    I thought domestically JYJ's beginning record sold just over 290,000 and Super Junior's sold just under 300,000. How can they complain when those numbers come from the Gaon chart. This is about domestic records not worldwide. There fans have obviously failed to see that. Another win for the biased and blind know as JYJ fanatics. It just completely pisses me off when they can see the numbers themselves and still whine about it. Oh but who knows maybe it's the big bad evil SM manipulating the numbers"insert sarcasm here".

  36. Seeing all the judgments of the court so far, I think the Court is in CJS side and It will be not surprised if later CJS will win the case against SM. Even if CJS won the case, SME will appeal to court. As Precious already told us. This will be took longer trial. Oh gosh, i just hope there's a miracle to make SME win the case. Just want to read something different of this drama. Hahaha. Oh God, can You let SME win of this case for Homin good sake?

    If CJS won the case, they and their cronies including their devoted fans will be so much happy. I believe they will tell to the media that at last the truth reveal, it's the victory of the innocent people and so on and so on.. it's typical and predictable. However, in my opinion there's a positive point if CJS won the case. It means CJS has no longer connected to all TVXQ's things. They can't intervene TVXQ action and TVXQ are now Yunho and Changmin solely. So, it is better for both side, CJS can concentrate only with their things and Homin concentrate to make TVXQ better in the future.
    Even at that moment, I'm sure SME & Homin will get bash by fanatic CJS's fans continuously. Once again it's typical and predictable.

    I just hope that SME, Homin & Homin's fans will have strong heart and cold mind to ignore all the bashing. Stay focus with the good work for better future. Because the real battle has not over yet. Only good artists with good manners and good talents will win at the end. I believe Homin have that. Good talents and good manners.

    I see that Homin's aura is so positive until so far. I hope they can keep it forever because it's good for their long live career in entertainment industry. I also hope Homin's fans can spread the same aura as Homin. They are so bright. We are family, we can win if we stay strong together and bring joy to each other. the end, thank you, Precious for creating a kind of blog for us ~ TVXQ /Homin fans ~ Everybody Fighting!!! Btw, Happy Birthday my dear maknae Choikang Changmin.

  37. @cat1177
    Admetedly I am a Super Junior fan though so I am very happy about there record sales and they worked damn hard for them. Last year was a tough year on them too they deserve it. The numbers are true if they believe them to be fabricated that's there problem no one can seem to change there minds about anything.

  38. @cat1177
    I believe Precious mentioned that the Japanese fans know more about the truth than the Korean fans, mainly because they rely on published evidence rather than 'gossip forums'. That is probably why most Japanese fans support HoMin.

    I hope SM wins too and karma strikes back to JYJ/JYJ fans/JYJ family. I also believe that only good-natured artists will prevail in the end, so JYJ will soon lose popularity when the truth becomes revealed. I hope everyone eventually realizes the truth was distorted all along by JYJ/JYJ fans/JYJ family.

  39. @Jessica
    I will not lie I very much want SME to win because truthfully I think they are in the right on this considering the circumstances and the facts. Although I must say I am sad to see how JYJ have handled things. I truly believe that there would have been less of a divide in fandoms if they had handled the split more respectfully. But instead they chose to play the victim and blame everything on somebody else.

  40. @ all
    Too many replies, I don't think I can answer all of them, but most of your questions will be answered in my future posts.

    @ ayoepan
    No, those are not from open forums. They're not dumb. Those are from private fan forums, but some people obviously didn't like what was going on and captured them. There are many ex-CJS fans who are supporting TVXQ now. I may translate in the future some of ex-CJS fans' heart breaking fanaccounts, telling about the struggles, feeling betrayed, losing trust, and finally coming to the realization what the truth is. Don't forget, many CJS fans are victims in this too.

    @ Reema
    SM filed objections to the injunction judgment, and it's those that were dismissed. The real lawsuit is still pending, and that's where the real judgment will be given.

    @ lapis.lazuli
    I'm going to write a post about recent events regarding the lawsuits. Everyone seems to be confused what's been going on, again because CJS side is magnifying these to their advantage.

    @ cat1177
    LOL, same here. I was never a fan of SM, I mean who cares about an entertainment company, right? But more I dig around and find out about SM, the more I realize that SM is indeed a legit company. There are some entertainment companies that appears shady, but SM actually looks like a good company.

    @ Jessica
    It appears that majority of Japanese fans who pay attention to what's going on know the truth. Casual fans just support all 5.

  41. im shocked to the limit i cant say a thing :( i only hope & pray that jyj & their sick fans will get what they deserve hope one day i read news that will sit my heart at ease cuz of jyj continue drama & their stupid fans my heart hurts alot for poor homin how could jyj hurts them that much & even dont stop their fans from bashing them? the most stupid thing they do right now is blaming homin for jyj going to the army !!!! thanx once again Precious

  42. Reading these just help me confirm that the methods those JYJ stans used to 'protect oppas' at the expense of Homin have not changed all these time. Rumors and malicious lies.
    One of the thing that irritated me the most is the so called slogan AKTF. I know DBSk after they already broke up, so when I read that slogan, I assumed that it was created a long time ago, just like how ELF always use the term "13ielieve in 13" which was, indeed, coined a long time ago. I think it was widely used at the time Kyuhyun was added and made SJ 13, or at the time ELF protest against the addition of Henry. Anyways, as it turns out, AKTF is just what JYJ planted to make it seems like they pretty much want Homin to join when in fact, they don't. And I'm laughing so hard when reading comments about Homin, for example one like this: "Why can't Homin just ditch SM and join JYJ, maybe SM bribe them or forbid them to do so. Please Homin, get out of SM and make TVXQ 5 again. AKTF!!"
    What faith? You just degrade them as greedy and have absolutely no power to decide for themselves ("slave") and you said keep the faith. You don't even trust them or respect them, what faith is there to keep? Seriously! I think "AKTF" in there dictionary is as follow:
    1. Believe in JYJ's every words, even if it doesn't make sense or even if it's stupid (Excuse: Oh, they are emotional, so they can't word their comments properly, but we understand them anyways, they are in pain and stress, they need us)
    2. What Homin said are all lies b/c SM told them to say that. They want to join JYJ but SM forbid them or bribe them back with money. They miss JYJ but SM don't let them contact each other. Let's trust in JYJ because JYJ will bring Homin back. (On what grounds? Oh, JYJ said so!)
    In conclusion: We will have back our angels JaeChunSu, the 'slaves' who are greedy for money and fame Homin, and TVXQ will be 5 again!Just keep the faith, everyone!! (In who? Oh, JYJ, always JYJ because Homin cannot be trusted as long as they are in SM) Yep, it's all good!

    LOL, sorry for using a lot of sarcasm but yeah, it irks me a lot when I see that stupid phrase!

    I am curiuos too as how it will turn out. SM wins or not, there will be lots of bashing, no debate about that. But I want to see how it will turn out both for JYJ's career and/or SM and SM employees' reputation. I'm plain sick of people labelling SM artists as "slaves" or Homin as the "ultimate traitors"

  43. @precious
    I don't know how to thank you for your great job to reveal the truth and face many foolish comments from blinded and narrow-minded fans.
    Want you to know, I'm very appreciate everything you did.

    I hope "The truth will reveal soon."

  44. @ Sammy Ngo

    I couldn't agree more LOL. Some fans need to step out of their fandom for a sec. and just look at the big picture as a normal logical bystander would. Maybe HoMin didn't want to contact JYJ at ALL. Maybe HoMin didn't leave SM because they thought it was the right thing to do. Maybe HoMin AREN'T PUPPETS. Maybe HoMin ARE HUMANS. Seriously, most AKTF fans believe that HoMin are puppets and slaves and have no minds of their own, and then claim themselves as fans of the 5 when truly they are dehumanizing their idols.

  45. @Precious

    Sorry for bothering you, but do you still have access to the site you posted first? I got the site address, but then I think I have to log in and I don't really know pretty round things to know what I am doing, lol.

    Interestingly, since that site already provided a translation for this event, it means they acknowledged that the 625 did happen, and so, isn't it possible to summon the people involved to testify in court?

    Weird thing is, as a new fan, I knew from day one that SM isn't as bad as people would like us to believe. HoMin stayed, so there must be something there. Then again, I work in a corporation even bigger in employee size than SM, so yeah, I think I am used to office politics and company proceedings to know that SM is really not that bad, lol

  46. Tks for warning, Precious! Just got HoMin vaccine after reading this post! lol
    Huh~~~~ “why?????” loving someone can do something like this?
    “Precious, thanks again but I truly start getting sacred of your future post now!” anw, can’t help ^^ I still prefer to read it hahaha~~~
    “HoMin ah… pls well take care many Nuna(s) here >__<”

    @jessica I was fansite Admin before, I can say it’s typical for site members, they always believe what Admins say/post in the site because they think Admin/MOD is closer to the source than them, I hardly find anyone question to what we present to them that’s why Admin/MOD needs to maintain ethics coz we need to be responsible to our Artist’s image too! Well, here we can see JYJ is losing because of their fan!
    @krystokker Agree!!! Im sure JYJ can’t let go of TVXQ and I’ll wait to see what they’ll be when no one recognize them as TVXQ anymore! It’s their choice, then that’s the sequence!

    I think the article in AKP is the same one related with two injunctions by SM was dismissed coz the date mentioned is also Dec last year.

    Lastly, I go with you guys! I wish SM won the case but doesn’t matter now as long as HoMin can do well and keep their dream alive! And whether SM wins the case or not, SM&HoMin will still be bashed for something by JYJ fans anyway … So let Karma does its job!

  47. @ all

    Did anyone read this?

    So the court sides with JYJ...

  48. I already gave up on the result of the lawsuit a long time ago. No matter what result, fans would be the same, the end would be the same. There is no DBSK(5) and even if JYJ wins or loses, JYJ fans will still support them.

    JYJ's side might win, maybe they do have a slave contract (though I highly doubt it) but they had no right to ruin HoMin's name like this.

  49. @ hyeonmu
    Which site are you talking about?

    I don't think 6.25 recording can be used in court as an evidence, and besides, the lawsuit is about validating/voiding the contract, so 6.25 is not related to the case. It's really important in this crisis though, more than the lawsuit itself.

    @ Jessica
    That's about the dismissal of SM's lawsuits against Crebeau. In summary, the DA couldn't find enough evidences to file charges, so they dismissed the case. The case didn't even go to a trial, so I don't know how they can say court sided with CJS.

  50. @Jessica
    i agree with you. umm maybe Yunho didn't respond to JJ's texts because he didn't want to talk to him? maybe he's angry? maybe he doesn't want to be distracted because they just had their comeback? so JJ tweets to say "i texted you, please check" and all the stans are like "YUNHO OPPA CHECK YOUR PHONE!!" err if Yunho didn't respond to a private text, what makes them think a he will to a public tweet??

    win or lose in the court, damage has already been done to Homin. i can't wait until this is over and Homin can move on without getting dragged into all kinds of crap.

    i promised myself that i won't bother with AKP comments but i scanned it and found this gem:
    JaeLolliPOP~ [Moderator] 38 minutes ago
    This is one of the reason's why people should stop promoting and using TrueTVXQ blog site. They've basically accused JYJ for using CreBeau as their excuse for their lawsuit... LOL should be in session!!!

    It's more than just biased, its promoting falsified information, no matter if they say it is sourced. It's the scrutiny of HoTel girls that you need to be aware of and they are out there to manipulate vulnerable fans into thinking this is the case.

    btw, are people here aware how much not only Precious' posts but comments as well are being monitored? i stumbled onto a forum (forgot which) the other day where our opinions are mentioned.

  51. @ xxkimigasuki
    Their contract is definitely not a "slave" contract. Even the court does not use the term. The court may rule the contract is "unfair" because of the penalty clause as I posted, but in reality, the contract is actually very generous towards TVXQ.

  52. @ cat1177
    I knew we'd be watched. Nothing new there. :)

  53. Right now, I'm more than furious towards JYJ and their fans and family. MORE THAN FURIOUS! God, I really hope SM could win this lawsuit. Stupid biased court.

    @Precious Thanks for another post! :) I've been waiting for this for days.

    @cat1177 Really, our comments are being monitored? Yeh, I could care less, I want our voices to be heard.
    But they(JYJ stans) are getting on my last nerves. They think we are lying? Well, looks who's talking. Seriously, if they want to point fingers, they should point it at themselves.

    I think I've found new definitions for the words, 'evil' and 'betrayal'.
    My anger level has yet to cease.

  54. @cat1177

    LOL~ I like how that comment supported the fact that everything in this blog is sourced and referenced, which is what truly matters. Also, that comment had NO support for its claims. Clearly, someone has to work on their essay skills before they fail English. (:

    I believe most of the comments on this blog are supported by thorough reasoning and analysis. We question and we don't blindly support. I will just disregard what others say to make themselves sound like idiots ^^

  55. This is a fan war people. It has been nasty on both sides. If you recapped the comments by JYJ's fans, maybe you also should recap the comments by Homin's fans too. I bet that it's not all nice and pleasant either.

  56. @ Anne
    I could capture TVXQ side, but I'm sure there are more capable and willing people who can do that for you. You'd actually be disappointed how controlled TVXQ fans are compared to what CJS fans have been saying (remember, there was no JYJ during that time). Another huge difference is that TVXQ fans do not spread flat out lies.

  57. @Anne
    That may as well be true but it wasn't TVXQ fans who started the project of slander. As you can clearly tell from the screen caps it was JYJ fanatics who instigated the fan war. Also if you go to any site it is usually the JYJ fanatics who are being rude to any person who voices an opinion that is not there own. Now I am not going to say Homin fans haven't said some mean things but most was in retaliation of the lies JYJ fanatics are spreading. Of course if your angry enough you will lash out and with the stuff they are spreading any fan would be. Notice I have said fanatics not all JYJ fans are bad there are just a few over enthusiastic fans willing to do anything to protect there oppas including spreading lies and slanderous remarks.

  58. gosh this is so nasty, those girls ...their intention is clearly so malicious, how could they organize to do this... damn,, I'm Speechless

    Thank you for all translations Precious :)

  59. @ Anne

    Even in wars a gun can be used to kill and to protect lives.

    What you see here is not used to harm people but on the contrary it is used to protect those who have been under attack.

  60. @Precious

    The daum website... All of this happened in a daum website, didn't it? I got, but when I try to visit, it requests me to sign up/log in.

    I doubt they haven't delete the posts already, but I am just curious to see the state of the blog right now.

  61. @Precious
    Yeah, I am aware it's not. My father's a lawyer (thus I never bought any of the JYJ fanatics' bull) I meant that if the lawsuit ends in JYJ's favor.

    (: Thank you for posting these though.

    Yes, I just want to it over. Win or lose. Damage has been done and there actually won't be a DBSK(5) Atleast then there's an actual closure and (hopefully) some fans will move on.

  62. Shit son.

    Well this was all kinds of awful. Gotta compliment jcs fans on their level of organization and strategic approach to slander and rumour-mongering though. That level of douchebaggery is quite epic. Almost as epic as the selective blindness and/or lack of common sense jyj stans are displaying nowadays.

    My heart goes out to my TVXQ men. Hopefully with time, people will come to understand that they were framed callously. As for the other 3 boys with their pretty faces and their pretty tears, sooner or later girls come to learn that all that glitters is not gold.

    Precious, thanks again for your time and efforts.

  63. @ hyeonmu
    Yeah, I tried that address too, but it says it's a private cafe and does not accept any more new members. You need to directly contact the admin via email for membership, so it looks like it's tightly controlled.

    @ xxkimigasuki
    Got ya. :)

    @ platafina
    People are slowly finding out what happened, and the truth will reveal itself eventually... (hmm.. where have I heard what I just wrote LOL)

  64. @all
    The truth reveal it self (Precious)
    agree...the truth already there... in this earth.
    court decision is about contract nothing to do with the truth it self.
    JYJ reputaion already down right now. not only in homin side eyes but many public opinion questioning them.
    even SM lost the lawsuit atleast they got TVXQ.
    SM win too. Homin win too
    Homin win for protecting TVXQ name.
    exploide respond of KYHD is prove. they succes protecting TVXQ name. at least JYJ cant use TVXQ name again to gain money.
    JYJ can win lawsuit but they still lost. they will be JYJ not TVXQ.
    this what homin want. they only want TVXQ.
    Homin wont fight the fans who bashing them. because they know the root rumour came from 6.25 meeting.
    Im Scare of JYJ action. I cant imagine if they use TVXQ name.
    we have to prepare if SM lost. most importand is how to protect Homin. Be a strong fans.
    RIP JYJ.

  65. @Precious,

    Yeah, I thought so too, it is almost like that special forum for admins that is highly secretive and if anyone leaks it out then they will suffer a dong bang wrath.

    Thank you for taking the time to do this, but especially thank you for igniting that fire in me to search and think for myself. Because now, no matter what they say, I have enough conviction in what I already know to not let myself be dissuaded by gossip and rumors.


  66. OMG!!! Seriously I loose my respect to JYJ stans or whoever related to them.
    I think fans should support their idol, but please use your brain too, I just feel so angry, they spread bad rumour about Yunho like that, and they believe it??? Cih!

    I just don't get it, they 5 signed the contract, so they must read it first right, and they'll probably know it was a 13 year of contract,etc. Why signed up if you don't like it? I respect Homin more.

    I don't like with AKTF too =S when I joined this fanclub( it more than 4 years ago) Cassiopeia is a fandom that can make me proud of, but lately it change, Like you guys know what DNBN and Akadong do to Homin, know they choosing Sides, it makes me want to protect Homin more. *Sigh* and in many forum I recently saw a comment like "Homin should leave SM" and somethings like that, They always put Homin in the wrong sides, while they claim they support 5 and shouting AKTF??? It really pissed me off

    DNDB and Akadong, and many Kforum already choose side, And Cassiopeia this fandom loose my respect, I prefer Bigeast now, they said it already that they still support Homin and show no boycott like what kcassie do, We can see that "Why" make a good sales in Jap. Serioulsy I'm dissapointed with Kcassie
    Anyway I'll support Homin till the end =)

  67. @ lovekpops33
    Well, I wouldn't call those anti-HoMin/JYJ fans Cassies any more. I know they want to hang onto the name TVXQ and Cassiopeia as long as they can, but CJS are not TVXQ, so by definition, unless you support new TVXQ, then you are not a Cassie.

    SM already accepted applications for new Cassiopeia membership for fans who support TVXQ, so antis can claim all they want that they're Cassies, but they're not Cassies.

    Besides, the name Cassiopeia was given by Yunho, so I don't know why they're so attached to that name. I don't know why JYJ fans don't want to start their own fan club and make a new name for the club. Don't they have any confidence in JYJ? Just accept the fact that CJS is JYJ, not TVXQ, and move on.

  68. Just stumbled onto this site, and I've read all the posts and it's all very interesting.
    I wasn't very learned about these events/the lawsuit so this information has been very helpful! I was more inclined to SM anyways, and that has just strengthen after reading everything.
    Thank you so much for all your hard work and clarification!

  69. @Precious n @lovekpops33

    I used to call them cassies until TVXQ won their first mubank. Yunho, almost in tears, called out to cassies, that's when I realized that it doesn't matter how long you've been in the fanclub, or even if you are the admins of those two sites, Cassies are those who stood by TVXQ. That's why I call them Contries now, to differentiate them from the 'real' cassies.

    I think the reason of the attachment to the name is simple. As long as they call themselves Cassie, they can say JYJ is a part of TVXQ, if not, they would have to admit that it was the trio's decision to leave SM and not return to negotiate in 2009 is the reason why TVXQ only have two members now.

    I don't think their ego will let them easily give up the 'biggest fanclub in the world' title that easily. It is obvious from the fact that they are still spending their time worrying about what TVXQ does instead of just supporting JYJ.

    And yeah, they can say whatever they want, but as the official fanclub of TVXQ, Cassiopeia is endorsed and recognized by SM... So if they hate SM, they should just create a new fanclub.

  70. @Precious :
    Sorry if I correct u about the name of cassiopeia. As I understand the name of Cassiopeia was given by Changmin because he wants the fans of TVXQ be the queen of the members. In Greek mythology Cassiopeia was considered as the vain queen who boasted about her unrivalled beauty.

    And as I heard from my friend who is CJS's fans, CJS already created their own fansclub, it's named ORIENT and their color is TERRACOTTA.'s clear now, for CJS's fans, they have their own place to go. Also starting from Feb, 14, CJeS ent. already opened the registration of membership. So, it's really weird if some of CJS's fans insisted to the name of Cassiopeia while their beloved oppas/idols already created their owned fansclub for their devoted fans. Uups sorry, It's really off topic. Just want to clarify matter. Thank you.

  71. Sorry guys, just want to make a small revision on my above comment, CJS's fansclub name is ORION not ORIENT. In Greek mythology refers to a HUNTER. Hahaha what a coincidence their fans are like a hunter to TVXQ/HOMIN and of course SME. Peace Man!!!

  72. This is just the tip of the iceberg. More are coming, right?

    I think JYJ fanatics are too wrapped up in attacking HoMin/SM to notice they are actually damaging the reputation of their Oppas more than HoMin’s now.
    They also fail to recognise how far-fetched and irrational their theory sounds to people outside their small community.
    What they are doing could hurt the feelings of HoMin and HoMin supporters badly. They may like it. But if they monitor this blog, they should realise it has side effect of making people lose respect for JYJ, and ironically, helping people respect HoMin.

  73. @ Precious : Thank You So much for all the efforts u've made so far Sweetheart ! U're right ! I can see the reason why JYJ decide to use their initials instead of picking up new one cuz they just can't let go of the name TVXQ .... The TATTOO proves that all along ! Well, the name TVXQ has achieved extremely beyond imagination , breaking Guinness records and so on , despite being too attached to that name, they can't help but to choose JYJ which is deemed not a quite new one and not too far away from TVXQ !

    Although they have chosen their own paths to walk , they still proudly wanted to be called TVXQ and thats the reason why they go tattooed and what " Always Keep the Faith " ? They sure know how to manipulate with the fans' emotions . Don't they ? Thanks again for your time and effort being embedded once again Precious =') But it really really hurts me . Y_Y I've never ever wanted them to turn out to be so evil like this. Why can Money & Fame change a person into a complete stranger that we dare not even imagine ??? Betraying brothers like friends and Playing in the role of victim , manipulating fans for their own benefits without giving a damn to the others' expense .

    I can still recall their images back then, so naive and sincere and thats my first impression to make most of us fall for them . ( more like admirers ) I'm definitely Yunho Biased cuz I noticed TVXQ solely cuz of him and as always I would say , not due to his look but for Personality/ Character / Attitude / Perseverance / Manliness / Capability and so on and so forth that completely changed my mindset not to have any idol or role model in my life except ROGER FEDERER ! I can now guess how much Yunho and Changmin have suffered after all these years and they can now barely get themselves up and we sure are after them NO MATTER WHAT !

    Since the day the TVXQ broke up, i've never think wrongly of HOMIN not because of my bias, but is it due to my bias? LOL .... cuz, I thought there definitely must be a reason why HOMIN decide to stay. I would say , in tvxq, I think Yunho , Changmin & Xiah Junsu were the most sensible persons. Just right before I've know all these issues , I've always asked myself that did JYJ really leave tvxq for several times cause I still can't believe it . Later on, I realized they are so much crybabes I've been sickened to see them .... writing emotional songs , randomly naming or deliberately including the lyrics that ppl think would be meant for HOMIN or make SM the most EVIL Ent. Co. ever . We know that a true man and a true artist won't let their personal or emotional stuffs to be let out. ( see how HOMIN handled their performance , without showing their emotional inner side of them but a strong image )

    But for JYJ, they keep writing the songs those can earn so much sympathy upon them and not only that , hurting others reputation so much is definitely a formidable person won't do one ! Although, I really am wishing for the day the table would finally turn, but I don't want to see JYJ as betrayers and after all, they've been called TVXQ and thats the reason why Yunho decided to keep his mouth shut along just to protect the name of TVXQ despite the serious bashes at his expense Y__Y . But I really see that , JYJ is going to have karma in a very soon time thanking to you Precious . I would have been more at ease, if I had known or expect that they dare to be that deviled but now, I really need to digest all ='( Waiting for your FOREVER post precious ^^ . Keep up with this good work for the sake of our LOVELY HOMIN's compensation :D Aza Aza Fighting !!! Love U :D

  74. jyj fanatic as most of you sayed cant digest the fact jyj are no longer tvxq even if jyj win the case i know they will remain at the same spot with the bashing & claiming that jyj are tvxq no matter what happend their Mental only works in that way they will never admit or except the true facts that been shared in this blog cuz to them they only believe what jyj say & since jyj know how to steer their fans emotions they know exactly the right words to say that will give them the right impact they want homin still have a long road ahead of them hope they remain strong enough to pass this whole drama with dignity maybe thats whats yunho holding his tears for he`s probably waiting for this drama to end so he can let go of his tears i hope they will get what they deserve & win all the awards to get their chance for a good cry .. jyj & their families we shall wait for the table to turn back at you one day & from what i see i believe that day will come soon ..

  75. OMG sm stock down >.<

  76. @dhanirahman52,

    Don't worry too much about SM's stock falling about 2 to 3 percent over these past two days, some people tend to sensationalize news because they feel it is a 'just punishment for their evil deeds'. If you go to reuters and search for SM's code on Kosdaq 041510.KQ, you will see that within the past 52 weeks (1 year), SM's stock actually had jumped from ₩4,960.00 per share to ₩22,800.00 (which is about 400%) and this happens after the lawsuit.

    Besides, I work in Business Research, trust me, the only one who that would suffer are the daily traders who gains profit by buying low and selling high. Considering most of SM's shareholders are people who are interested in investing long term in the company, this does not affect the company's daily operations or their market condition.

    That graphic is correct but exaggerated for shock value. If you see the actual drop is only about ₩100.00 (they opened the day at ₩21,400.00 and closed on ₩21,300.00).

    I will stop the business babble now, because I don't think you're here to listen to me rant about the stock market, lol.


  77. Spanish translation of this entry if anyone is interested by request of one of my friends.

    This blog is very interesting, thank you for everything!

  78. @hyeonmu
    ah I see... glad to hear that.
    Thanks for explain it for me.
    @TVXQ Homin Chile
    wow good news.
    I hope there is Indonesian translation too for Indonesian fans.
    as long we spread the fact not only opinion thats must be good. I hope Precios agree too.

  79. it so ironic that after JYJ stans in china
    read precious translations of 625 meet they still stand strong in the support for JYJ
    such a waste

  80. @ eunice,

    I think with the chinese stans its because of hangeng's lawsuit. They will not support sm under any circumstances because of that. They may want to support homin but if the do, that means they are indirectly supporting sm.

  81. @ vanessa4zac
    Welcome to my blog!

    @ ahmad
    From what I've heard, it was Yunho who made the name because Cassiopeia is the constellation that is seen in Korea for the whole year. Either way, it's either Yunho or Changmin who named the fanclub.

    @ Lisalio
    I'm about half way done with the blog, so I'd say the body of the iceberg is out. :)
    Their claims do sound illogical to outsiders, but fans somehow believe everything they are told.

    @ Bambi Mk
    Yup, it's clear that CJS is constantly asking for their fans' sympathy even now.

    @ ranon
    I guess it's hard to break the out of the fantasy world they locked themselves in...

    @ dhanirahman52
    LOL, now they're even misleading SM stocks to bash SM? It only went down a little. Stock prices change all the time, so it's really no big deal. SM stock increased something like tenfold after injunction was filed, and Korean government agencies are buying their stocks for their own investment. That should tell you something.

    @ hyeonmu
    It's really funny what length some people would go to discredit SM. I laughed hard when I saw that graph. LOLOLOL

    @ TVXQ Homin Chile
    Pls send my appreciation to your friend. I know for first hand how time consuming job it is. (I would've been done with the blog if it weren't for the translations.)

    @ dhanirahman52
    I'm totally fine with spreading the facts. I won't even mind if someone just spreads my translations without my analysis. People who can "think" should figure out who's in the wrong by just looking at the facts. I knew something was wrong after reading the contract alone.

  82. The stock thing make me lol. StOck always goes down on friday cause the market close on weekend. I should have bought sm stock a year ago, imagine 400 % increase

  83. This is pure evil. As a Yunho fan, this makes me vomit. Was he singled out because he was the leader and he was expected to prevent all of these things from happening? So many conflicting opinions everywhere - what I can say though is that the Yunho we see now looks great, he looks gorgeous, he's rocking all of his performances (as opposed to a certain someone who's been wasting himself away with alcohol, the poor thing). One can't be happy if he wasn't at peace with his own decision. If it was the right decision or wrong decision is not for us to impose on any of them, though I have to say it makes for some interesting debate. From the time I became a fan of DBSK, Yunho has struck me as someone who has conviction, class, determination, grace - he is the single member of the group who has been consistently mentioned as the best to treat the fans; children gravitate to him effortlessly, as well as horses and sheep. I simply love this guy, nothing will make me thing otherwise.

  84. @ motty123
    They probably targeted Yunho because he was a bigger target than Changmin being the leader and was the best performer on stage. I'm guessing attacking Changmin who was the youngest wouldn't have been as effective. Also even before the split, Yunho was usually targeted by CJS's individual fans whenever there was some infighting amongst the fans.

  85. @Anne
    You're comment is way up there and like 2 days old by now but sheesh, come on girl. "This is a fan war people. It has been nasty on both sides. If you recapped the comments by JYJ's fans, maybe you also should recap the comments by Homin's fans too. I bet that it's not all nice and pleasant either." --This goes beyond just not “nice and pleasant" hun, and it obviously was not perpetrated by run of the mill CJS fans either. Yeah, I've seen ugliness on both sides too, and whatever the reasons for it I generally just think it's unnecessary. But there is a huge, HUGE difference between careless, off-the-cuff bashing comments posted by regular fans on public fan forums vs. fansite administrators privately and methodically plotting how to manipulate fans' opinions and emotions under the guise of being regular fans and even nonfans. The former is just irritating and silly, the latter is disgusting, straight up unethical and a blatant abuse of their "power" and authority as admins.

    Thanks for the health warning Precious. I still almost blew a gasket though. Hah. Jeezus. I still can't really wrap my mind around it. They're supposed to be fangirls, not freaking... covert propaganda operators. It's so ridiculous it'd be funny if these obsessive little freaks weren't setting out to systematically ruin other people's reputations, and if they didn't partially succeed. And it also boggles my mind how freaking organized and calm they are, talking about the break up like it's an inevitable thing... it's like they wanted TVXQ to break up. I feel like if their direct objective was to break up TVXQ they could hardly have gone about it any better, splintering the fandom from the inside like that. They were probably proudly calling themselves Cassies then too. Ugh, I just don't even get it.

    Btw, has anyone seen JJ's latest tweet? Sheesh, I have to give it to them boys, they know how to time their crap well.

    Precious, thank you as always.

  86. Precious, i can't say enough thank you for your hardwork in translating and explaining about this mess to us international fans.
    I've been a silent reader since your 1st post. As a law student, i was most curious about the translation of the contract and lawsuit. From your post, i've found out that the contract isn't that bad to be named as "slave contract", so i thought maybe the reason why they filled the lawsuit is the freedom as musician.

    But after i read about crebeau and 6.25 meeting, i understand the reason why they leave TVXQ is money. I've lost all of my respect to the trio and feel betrayed and anger. They put all the blame to Yunho and Changmin, manipulating fans by tweet, interviews and AKTF tattoo. They should receive an Oscar for their incredible acting skill. Thing that dissapoint me the most is what their fans do. Don't they love TVXQ as 5? what they do is helping CJS in breaking TVXQ.

    Btw may i ask your permission to translate your blog posts to Indonesian language? because in my country many fans still misunderstood about this case.

    and once again thank you very much! I'll wait for your next posts! ^__^

  87. @ ich1heavens
    Of course, more fans know what happened, better it is.

    As for the fans helping CJS breaking up TVXQ5 with their actions, that is exactly what a well known internet personality was pleading the fans more than a year ago, and I'll be posting about that person in the future. Some of you probably know who I'm talking about, but I don't want to spoil the excitement yet, so stay tuned! LOL

  88. @ich1heavens hi there, i'm from indonesia too :)

    and i'm agree with you, many fans in our country still misunderstood about this case. Someone post link to this blog in one of the indonesian forum *idws*, i'm also quite active there.

    Their response is quite as i expected.. they don't really read this blog because they think that they already knew what happened (the truth). They see this blog as just another homin bias blog that will definitely put a blame on JYJ.

    Good thing in that forum is that they never really bash homin in an obvious way, they put all the blame on SM. (i say it's a good thing coz if they bash on homin, i can't stand it. But lately when they keep on blaming SM, i do get annoyed too _ _") Lots of them still hoping TVXQ to be back as 5 and stuff.

    But i think it'll be great if you provide this information in indonesian language :)

  89. @Precious : you mean about 'Forever' identity? i have no clue about his identity, but my wild imagination tells me that maybe forever is... Yunho? LOL! can't wait your post about that!

    @slixe : hi too! sadly fans in indo still think that JYJ is a sub-unit to TVXQ, and don't want to accept the reality that JYJ is not part of TVXQ anymore. I've tried to spread about this blog in many fb groups/fansites/forums but either they bash me or delete my posts. Why i want to translate this blog is for the sake of indonesian fans who are willing to know the truth but having headaches by reading too many english or pretty hangul. :)

  90. @ biathanatos

    What's JJ's newest tweet? I'd like to know what he has to say lol.

  91. @ich1heavens & @slixe : hi girls, i'm from indonesia too, i had shared this blog link into idws and what i got is bashing from JYJ fanatic fan XDDD

    btw if you already make a blog for indonesian translation post pls let me know, i'll spread it everywhere XDDD

  92. @ich1heavens,@slixe

    Please beware, those who keep saying OT5 and put all the blame to SME may not be a fan who doesn't know the fact, on contrary, I have seen JYJ fanatics disguise as OT5 supporter and trying to remind the general fans to hate SME and advertise JYJ.

    This happened among chinese fans, especially at TVXQ BaiduBar. Homin fans managed to capture their posting when they instructed others to attack Homin (something like what Precious posted here). These JYJ fanatics asked their people to "pretend to be OT5 supporter to play pity card and go to all Homin post at TVXQ Baidu to bash SME and pretend to be happy about Homin Comeback but sad seeing them perform as duo, and repeatedly bash SME for not be able to bring the 5 back. Their target is to recruit immature fans to join their camp as supporter to JYJ only.

    They even instruct their people to infiltrate YunJea Fansites to influence YunJea shippers.

    All these have been screencap by Homin fans, and recently the evidence was posted at another baiduBar and that really open many people eyes. I really feel embarrassed for JYJ for having fans like this.

    Somehow I believe whatever strategy are using by JYJ fanatics in Korea will eventually copied by chinese, japanese and international fans.

    In fact nowadays when I read comment like below at international fansite, I tend to think that 50% chance the commenters are "pretending to be OT5"

    - Homin must be really lonely perform as duo
    - Homin miss JYJ
    - The stage looks empty
    - I hear xxx voices in Homin live performance....

  93. Hi Precious... I ran into your blog a few days ago, and basically I agree with everything you say, since are the same conclusions that I reached. Good job!!! Your conclusions are actually more substantiated since I don't speak korean and google translator can be a bitch. In the beginning of this whole thing with the lawsuit I tried to stay impartial, although I was wondering why Yunho and Changmin stayed behind. But when Heechul was so angry and spoke up about how he wasn't a "slave" and that the contract was definitely not slave one it was proof enough for me that maybe something is wrong on JYJ 's side.
    Anyway what I want to say is that, in my opinion, no matter the outcome of the trial things won't get better for JYJ. Actually I don't even understand what is it that they want to achieve by doing this. Logically there are two hypothesis:
    1. SM wins and JYJ will have to pay a huge amount of damages. Then SM will be entitled to sue them again for defamation and slander and that will really make them poor as they somehow claim to be.
    2. JYJ wins. SM will apeal, but it doesn't matter, cause Tv channels and all the people involved in the korean entertainment business will still be on SM side, and not because they will be blackmailed or bribed by SM, but simply because they, themselves, will prefer to like broadcast all the other artists SM has than only the 3 JYJ. Hey it's business, it's life. So in Korea this is the furthest JYJ can ever get. As for Japan, no company is gonna sign them again, I mean considering their habit to run to court, no one is gonna take the risk.
    I may be wrong but this is what I think.
    So what is your opinion on this one?
    Bye and keep up the good work

  94. @Precious, I think we all know the person you are talking about, the president of rumor mongers on the internet.
    I just saw another article on the internet in one of them ourjyj.... sites about Yunho and all they did was slander him and his leadership without any basis. I cant stand these JYJ biased fans anymore-they can go to any lengths to attack the essence of an innocent man-I am so hoping that there is some justice at the end and these worthless people are dealt with the same repercussions-nitwits these JYJ fans.

  95. @Reema
    wow... getting more interesting.. cant wait for another post from dear Precious.

  96. what is this i read about Homin biased fans (or Hotel girls, whatever) allegedly starting new rotation rumors from the days of yore to prop up Yunho's reputation? anyone heard or read this from Homin biased blogs cos i only found this out from JYJ stans (LOL?).

  97. @reema, i read that too and i feel super sick! Have they back to think just a second that TVXQ who's widely recognized as the best k-artist ever, isn't this Leader who brings TVXQ to where TVXQ is now? If Yunho wasn't in the group and wasn't the leader, would TVXQ be current TVXQ??? Didn't they have a lot of happiness&joy because of the existance of TVXQ, weren't they happy to listen TVXQ music, watch TVXQ Perf, watch TVXQ in TV programs, and... weren't they happy together with the boys with TVXQ'success? Don't they feel a shame talking about Yunho that way??? Though,i believe JYJ is the one who breaks up TVXQ! I don't even have any interest to JYJ more but ... as a fan no matter what JYJ was once TVXQ member who brought me happiness&laugh! i still have a respect to their past. How can they talk about Yunho like that? arggg ~~~ scared sh*tless!!!

  98. @ biathanatos
    i dont follow jyj news since the day they broke tvxq i lost my interest in them but what is the new twitter drama that they are in to it now ?!!


    who that person could be ?!!! waiting eagry for ur next post aja aja fighting

  99. Hey, Precious. I was wondering if you know anything about this:

    I saw it, but I don't really believe it.

  100. @Precious WAKE UP!!!!!
    LOL Kidding.
    "A person like you can´t listen to me".
    Where I got the last sentence?

  101. @ karenteh
    Yes, many CJS fans disguise as OT5 fans to sway fans opinions.

    @ jojo.profiler
    Whoever loses the lawsuit will most likely appeal the decision and send the lawsuit to higher court. Unless the court rejects the appeal, the lawsuit will drag on for long time. I think JYJ will have hard time appearing on TV regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit because it appears that the industry turned their back against them. They can't work in Japan either because they're still under contract with Avex and they were suspended by Avex.

    @ cat1177
    That sounds like another rumor started by some fans. It's a rumor accusing HoMin fans starting a rumor. But the rotation is not a recent event, and many fans know what that was about. Most TVXQ fans don't even care about JYJ side any more, but it seems like that some CJS fans just won't let TVXQ go.

    @ ranon
    The post is coming. :)

    @ nini9515
    Those media sites are so irresponsible that they just translated what's out there without checking the validity. Some news sites are reporting the dismissal of SM's objection to the injunction as CJS winning the lawsuit, but the main lawsuit is still pending.

    @ everybodyhavetheirownpv
    I wasn't sleeping. I was watching golf & Daytona 500. :)

  102. @Jessica, ranon
    It's nothing new or different from what the three have been saying, but he says.. "It seems like that unseen silence and the clearly endlessly striking concealed acts will be repeated.. But today at this moment, with a thankful heart towards many people, I can only just breathe.." <-- rough translation, but yeah. The tweet itself is nothing surprising coming from one of the three, and as usual it's suggestive and vague enough that fans are gonna tack their own meanings onto it and run with it. I just found it funny that he tweeted it right around when the news that SM's injunction disputes were dismissed was first released. *shrugs* Like I said, good timing.

  103. I am very tempted to make a post that discusses about the difference between an injunction and lawsuit... Honestly... sometimes I wonder if these admins actually read the legal documents they post about the lawsuit. And to think the translation is their own...

    @Precious, there is something I need to discuss with you, so if you are not too busy, I will appreciate if you can take the time to find my email among your site notifications, lol

  104. @Precious: Hahaha I agreed with you, whoever named Cassiopeia either Yunho or Changmin is the same right, both of them the member of TVXQ!

    Gosh, reading a report from LJ, I am speechless with the eagerness of certain media, journalist, even CJS themselves and their fans of course for CJS's appearing in television/local broadcasting while CJS themselves already known since the 1st time all the consequences if they caught a legal battle with their management coy. Come on guys, can you do your battle with more graceful rather than always ask sympathy from others. Sigh! Pity CJS. I also pity with their victims.

    Btw..I'm awaiting for your post about FOREVER! Curious to know who is he? I don't believe he's Yunho because Yunho is to lazy to type on the keyboard and moreover his time already occupied. Our leader is an extremely busy guy on earth. LOL!!!

  105. @Precious OH. well good for you LOL. Sorry for my childishness, you are very funny.
    Pero despertá. no en el mundo de los sueños. sino a el mundo de la realidad.
    Ciao. ^___^

  106. @dhanirahman52 @verachan @ich1heavens & @slixe:yeeeey...i found Indonesian people here.I'll support you for making a translation blog about what precious wrote here.please tell me if your blog is ready,I'll help to spread it in our country.I want everyone(esp Cassie/TVXQ fans)read they can open their eyes&wake up their mind to see what is relly happen to our TVXQ.i'm tired with all their complain and bashing words to SM and keep called JYJ their "angel".come on people..JYJ not an Angel,so does SM& let's make it balance,coz there are many JYJ's sites/blogs outthere.let's see how they react to this blog :)

    @Precious, thanx again.I'm waiting for "who is Forever??" hwaitiing^^

  107. Forever = Father´s Yunho
    LOL. really this site is very funny
    I enjoy reading everything, what is written here ^__^

  108. @everybodyhavetheirownpv go back to jyjfiles or hopeforjyj or jyjistheangelswhohavebeenfightingagainstgoliath and laugh your ass off in those sites please. perhaps it's your english that's so poor that you laughed as you were reading this site. in here we communicate only english thank you for understanding

  109. @Joana thanks for your Suggestion,I really appreciate it ^___^
    by the way, can we/ can´t we as International fans do, somethings about Poseidon, because I really wanna see our leader-shi´s improvement.

  110. @everybodyhavetheirownpv kay sorry i'm not into blaming someone over things with conspiracy theory or starting a petition like jyj fans so if i can't see him in poseidon i hope i can see him in something else soon. or he can just sing i don't really mind either. try to troll harder though

  111. @everybodyhavetheirownpv
    Forever = Yunho's father?
    so tell me what you know about Yunho's father.

    "because I realy wanna see our leader-shi´s improvement".
    so far so good. Yunho's spirit spread everywhere.
    he more cute now. oh god I realy love Yunho :P
    and I realy love TVXQ 2011. Have you see news about fan meeting in Japan. I saw so many red light there.
    and I saw so many new cassiopeia spread around the world.:p

  112. @nini9515
    i think that writer was high? LOL.

    i saw the youtube video of the new old rotation rumors that Homin fans are allegedly spreading in Japan. saw some comments in one site about how Japanese fans needs to be rescued from the Hotel Girls because JYJ especially JJ is taking a big hit from this (as they believe this rumor is targeting JJ). i don't know who started the rumor, or who this Japanese JT channel belongs to, but why must it always be assumed that Bigeast who support Homin were influneced by the so-called Hotel Girls? Apparently, Japanese fans can't think for themselves.

  113. @ Joana, dhanirahman52
    I think everybodyhavetheirownpv was just stating what the other sides were spreading about who forever is, not saying the forever is Yunho's father.

    @ cat1177
    It sounds like another tactic to divert people's attention to something that's totally irrelevant. No one knows exactly who was supposed to be replaced during rotation, but how is that related to this case? Rotation happened 6-7 years ago. Sometimes I feel that some of those fans trapped themselves in their imaginary world, and truly believe what they're preaching.

  114. Precious this person "everybodyhavetheirownpv" say in spanish that "you must wake up but for real, not only in dreams" or something like that. What I mean is that this person make comment in a "sarcastic" (?) tone and honesty is not even funny in spanish, "despertá" is a word use for Argentina people). Anyway...
    This person is trolling here in resume.

    I cant wait for your next post :)

  115. @ macachangmin
    Oh I see. Thanks for clarifying.

    @ Joana, dhanirahman52
    Sorry, my bad. everybodyhavetheirownpv should stop trolling then. :)

    @ cat1777
    Anyways, there are circumstantial evidences that SM was going to replace Jaejoong for the rotation, and many Korean fans during that time thought it was Jaejoong as well. I really don't see how that event has any bearing in this case, but whatever. Some people will do anything to discredit Yunho.

  116. This is random...but is it a coincidence that 625 meeting is similar to the percentage of the shares they own in Crebeau? Just saying.

    I wouldn't say I'm new since I've been stalking your blog for awhile. lol. This is my first post though.

    Anyways, I've been reading your blog for a while...found it in December because someone on allkpop commented to check out this web. So... I did. Didn't check it out until January something.

    Nice stuff you have!

    I'm upset...though...Can't believe JaeJoong and Junsu were my favourites. More JaeJoong than Junsu (not that it makes a difference). But I was a bit happier to know that JaeJoong wasn't the one to start all this but Junsu. To be honest, I thought Jaejoong or Micky would be the ones to start this fiasco than Junsu.

    According to someone who works in the Korean music industry, it was Junsu who started all this (no surprise there). Junsu convinced and persuaded Micky and JaeJoong, which makes them followers.

    Although I would like to say I'm upset about their actions and the choices they make, I'm not because I know there are such people in this world, greedy for money.

  117. @ AzNezumi
    Yeah, the numbner 6.25 & 62.5% are just coincidence.

    As for Junsu leading this whole thing, I'm not sure if those sources could be trusted though. There are just too many stories spread by people who "know" industry insiders, so unless those statements could be verified, I wouldn't trust them. It may be possible that Junsu started the whole thing, or maybe not, but it really does not matter because all 3 are deeply involved in this, and all of them are still actively trying to influence the fans using their interviews and tweets.

    You are right that the 3 are not the first and won't be the last one to follow money.

  118. @ AzNezumi

    Let's not take it granted whatever someone in the industry fed us. Otherwise we are not different than those CJS fans or CJS family members who spread rumors about Yunho. Let's not ruin all the efforts put up by Precious with solid evidence and objectivity in his translations.

    I personally don't care who started all this. It's all hearsay from what I saw. The important thing is that CJS members and their families are all in this, hiding behind their fanatic fans

  119. Hey Precious,

    This is a bit off topic, but there has been an "industry insider" going around dropping blind items and one of their latest may concern dbsk. They lock their posts and on Saturday/Friday they made a post something along the lines of: one of the big 3 are about to make a decision regarding one of their groups that will cause the group to lose all of their remaining fans. The company is apparently leaning towards the BAD decision. And that this company has done something like this before. Then today this 'insider' makes a post:

    "SM TVXQ

    Originally I put an | between the two, but that meant nothing."

    As you can imagine, people who have access to their journal have been going nuts with speculation/trolling.

    So, precious--what do you think?

    (this is their journal btw:

  120. @ Yue
    I cannot verify if that person is legit or not so nothing much to think about, really.

  121. @Yue
    Personally I wouldn't take that persons blog to seriously. The fact is the Korean entertainment industry isn't that open and companies generally do not converse about private information. I would take it a little more seriously if the person is claiming they are releasing information from one company. But this person is boasting about releasing insider information from Korean, Johnny's and Avex. When Johnny's has little to no affiliation to any Korean entertainment company. So it would be incredibly hard to know anything. Honestly when I worked in the Asian entertainment industry I used to hear rumors about the company I was working for all the time and about 98% would end up to be wrong. Not only that but releasing that type of information would not only ruin your reputation and make it hard for you to get a job but you could also possibly be sued. It doesn't take a brainchild to realize that isn't worth it. Also the person is being very vague about some of this so called information and a lot of it isn't exactly secret in the first place it's stuff that is very well known within the industry and many fans already know about so I would truly take it with a grain of salt. Oh and most time employees only get to know what they need to know to do there job only the high ups know everything and I doubt they would spread that kind of information unless it was in there best interest.

  122. I think that its incredibly ironic that JYJ or OT5 fans portray homin as blindly obedient robots controlled by SME, and that unlike CJS they cant go against authority to stand up for what they really want. i have trouble finding that claim believable, esp if you consider the personal histories of the boys, how out of the 5, HOMIN were the two whose dads opposed them entering the showbiz (prly bc they worried smth like this whole fiasco may happen) and homin chose to become singers anyway, and now their dads are both big fans of them. whereas junsu's parents were extremely supportive of him (to the point of being controlling). YC and JJ families werent able to support them financially in their quest to become singers, but otherwise they seemed supportive. this goes to show that if anyone out of the 5 have an independent and autonomous personality, its HOMIN and NOT the other three (who we now know are very much influenced by their families and with crebeau or cjes)
    sorry about length of post, and not really making a point, but just felt really frustrated that long-time fans who are familiar with this history havent made this connection about their characters...........
