
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Who is "Forever"? Part I - Translation of Forever's article

Finally a new post. Sorry for taking so long. I was busy for a while. :)

Most of the readers of this blog probably heard the name "Forever", but I'm fairly certain most people do not have much clue who that is. There are many rumors and claims who this "Forever" is, but no one knows for sure and none of those claims are backed by any solid proofs. Have you wondered why?

Before explaining who "Forever" is, I am going to present one "fact" about Forever.

Forever is the username used by a blogger from a Korean blog site "", and the blogger posted an article on June 26, 2009 at 1:00 PM, one day after the infamous 6.25 meeting. The blogger became a sensation just because of that single post. Before I write any further, here's the translation of that famous post followed by the screenshot of the original article and the text in Korean. On my next post, I will explain about Forever's article and this whole "Forever" phenomenon.

I suggest you to read the translation and try to figure out who this "Forever" really is. :)

Here's the translation of the "Forever's post":


The group that are spreading rumors to foster TVXQ members to leave and break up the team, STOP THE CONSPIRACY!!!

Who are you trying to benefit by promoting the breakup of the team that is opposed by the company, the members and the fans?


Right now, some people's conspiracy is slowly coming up to the surface.

They are misleading innocent fans by fabricating lies, accusing certain members to be insane, and framing the company as an "evil" company that is abusing and holding the members hostage with a slave contract without pay.

The plot started since last night, and it says that the members must get out of such company, break the contract and leave the team, and it is spreading in ferocious speed from mouth to mouth.

Specific details of their scenario:

First, spread the rumors - the company is abusing the members without paying much, in other words, they are treated like slaves.

Then add more lies - the 5 members had a discussion about leaving and decided to leave together, but certain member betrayed the others because of the individual activities, and another one has no choice but to stay for the remaining 1.5 years of his contact, so the other three decided to leave, setting up the two remaining members as traitors. They claim that at least the poor 3 members need to leave such a bad company with so many problems, and the two members that decided against leaving are clearly traitors.

One renewed his contract after being lured by the company with individual activities, so he still have contract terms remaining making him impossible to leave, and the other member’s existing contract still has remaining terms so he cannot leave either. Two members who decided to stay are traitors, and the members decided to leave are the pitiable ones.

And that is the scenario..................................................

These are clearly lies when you just consider the facts.

The members of TVXQ signed the @@-year contract with all the parents and the company officials together as soon as the group's formed. They all signed the deal at the same time. Therefore, following claims - certain members' contracts expired, a member signed a separate contract, some signed a contract last year and another member has 1.5 years left on his contract - are definitely lies.

All members’ contracts start and end at the same time, and there are still @years left before they expire.

These are clear facts, so when they’re forced to hold a press conference after the breakup, the company will release the details of the contract as a response and the lies will be clearly disclosed. So why are you spreading lies that will eventually be revealed? Aren’t you afraid of the heavens?

Also, one of the fan site admin is already helping the lawsuit against S.M. Entertainment by preparing members’ schedule of activities from the beginning until now in Excel under the direction of a member’s father, but the company, members, other members’ parents, and the member’s fans all know about it. How dare are you trying to influence general opinions with those plots? How is it possible that the fans are fostering the breakup?

Also, all the admins probably know about this:

Last year before the comeback for the 4th album, when the fans’ opinions blew up because of the city hall showcase, the newly appointed (SM) official in charge of TVXQ gathered all 5 members’ fan site admins in secret, and notified them that all the members will begin individual activities while working as a team simultaneously. The admins who were at the meeting are aware that they were notified to prepare to support each member as best as possible. How dare you only mention certain member’s individual activities for the purpose of blaming him, and also claim that the other member still has 1 ½ years of contract period remaining? What is the motive of spreading rumors with accusation that he is a traitor like the other member that he is staying because of the individual activities?

You know better that the 3 members who you claim to be leaving also had plans for the individual activities since last year, but you are hushing up those and just spreading the stories of other member’s individual activities.
You also say that the members without the individual activities are treated unfairly by the company, instigating the fans to criticize the "bad" company and the members who only care about their own benefits, brainwashing the fans to think the company is treating them unfairly and only abuses them. You are manipulating public opinions to justify the breakup and forming opinions that breaking the contract is not betraying the fans and the members staying with the company. Stop the lies immediately.

They claim that Avex is trying to make a separate deal with some members, and they are spreading rumors that Avex is planning to start unit and solo activities without the other two members that are framed to be the traitors. They are spreading rumors the members who got the offers (from Avex) refused them out of loyalty to the other two. Everyone knows that is to put the blame on the two members and to avoid being criticized by BigEasts when they actually break up later on.

Avex is the second largest shareholder who owns 20% of SM, and if some members leave the team, TVXQ will disappear, and SM Entertainment will take a direct hit on Korean and Japanese market. What stupid second largest shareholder would ruin a company that they own 1/5 of the shares?

A breakup of SM artist will directly result in voiding the contract between SM Entertainment and Avex, and in addition to TVXQ, it will block overseas activities of Shinee, Super Junior and SNSD, especially in Japan, so how can Avex sign a separate contract with specific members and make those members leave SM Entertainment?

From the beginning, TVXQ only signed with SM Entertainment, and SM Entertainment entrusted Avex with all the SM artists for Japanese market. It is not possible for Avex to exclude certain members and sign with rest of the members, so please stop making lies that doesn’t even make sense.

How can you let the status they (TVXQ) achieved crumble like this? The dome concert is nearby, and Avex and SM’s plan is to develop TVXQ like SMAP of Korea, and make them do individual activities simultaneously with team activities. They are going to strongly push Japanese activities and continue on with Dome tours, first time for an Asian group, and they are already planning on developing TVXQ as the best group in Asia. Many fans are aware of this and wish for SM Entertainment and Avex to increase their support.

Even young Cassies know that they(fans spreading rumors) are shamelessly lying and claim that they didn’t cause TVXQ’s breakup while claiming TVXQ is forever one. Even if TVXQ breaks the contract and leaves as a whole or as a part, they can’t use TVXQ name, cannot sing the songs the fans love, infuriating Avex by breaking the contract incurring blockage of their Japanese activities and betraying BigEasts, and the members will be going out totally empty handed, so how dare you say all 5 need to go out, making all the members to be immoral and lose all credibility? The fans will protect them regardless of what happens, but if breaking the contract, leaving the team, and moving to CJ that’s whispered among those who’s making this plot gets revealed and becomes true, what do you think the media and general public’s reaction is going to be?

Please stop slandering and coming between the innocent members.

Stop all this immediately.

Why are the fans leading in forming public opinions that will lead to the members’ self-destruction and failure?

They are showing ugliness like claiming members’ father and sister have said certain things and driving member’s families as immoral. The world knows your hideous plot so stop it now.

If there are truly members who want to break the contract and leave the team, the fans should make them come back. What the hell are you doing instead?

And the fans that are misled and swayed by them should think about stopping their lies, but why are you blindly following them?

Also, I know that you are tipping off the reporters about health problems and excessive schedules, making them write news articles about TVXQ’s breakup and instigating fans. The company clearly stated there wouldn’t be a break up, and I’m sure the members who are thought to be leaving would stay with the company and keep TVXQ's name.

True fans shouldn’t get swayed by rumors, but find the people who spread those ridiculous rumors to reveal the truth in front of the members, their families and the fans. Please don’t be swayed.

Lastly, strong claims they’re making regarding excessive schedule or the slave contract should be determined by law after disclosing the contract, it’s not for the fans to judge. Stop arguing about them any longer.

A member’s mother is telling lies to the fans that the member with the rumor of individual activity has re-signed with the company.
Ma’am, please stop spreading the rumors.
This can’t be tolerated any longer.
Why are you spreading such rumors?
Everyone knows that the contract expires in 201@, way past the year 2010 as stated before. It is a fact the company knows, reporters know, some fans knew for a while, all the members and their families know, but why are you keep lying about it?

If you continue to do this, it can’t be helped but to think that you are the real leader that is trying to shatter the group by swaying the fans with lies.

Please stop the act that hurts everyone.

By Forever | 6/26/2009 13:00

<End of translation>

Korean Text:

동방신기 멤버들의 팀 이탈과 해체를 조장하기 위해 루머 유포
하는 일부세력은 작당짓거리를 멈추라!!!! 

소속사도 반대하고 멤버들도 반대하고 팬들도 반대하는 팀 이탈과 해체를 누구 좋으라고 하게끔 조장하는거냐.

지금 일부 세력들이 하는 작당질이 수면위로 점점 드러나고 있다.
거짓말로 말을 꾸며내어
순진한 팬들 호도하고 일부 멤버들을 팀을 배반하려는 천하의 미친놈으로 몰고 있고
소속사는 멤버들 미친듯이 혹사시키고 돈 안주고 노예계약으로 멤버들 죄고 있는 천하의 나쁜 기획사로 모함
그런 기획사를 나와 동방신기가 계약을 파기하고 팀을 이탈해야 한다는
수작질이 어제 새벽부터 일어났고 그게 무서운 속도로 그들의 입에서 입으로 번지고 있다. 

그들의 상세한 시나리오 전말: 

소속사가 멤버들을 혹사 시키고 돈을 안준다.
한마디로 노예처럼 멤버들을 다루고 있다 -

라고 말을 먼저 유포시킨 다음에
또 거짓말을 추가시키기를
멤버 다섯이서 팀을 이탈하겠다고 모의했다고 하고 다섯이서 손잡고 나가기로 했는데
일부 멤버가 개인활동의 이유로 멤버들을 배신했고
남기로 하였으며 또다른 멤버는
자기의 계약만료기간이 일년 반 정도 남았기 때문에
어쩔 수 없이 남기로 했고 나머지 멤버 셋은 손잡고 나가기로 했으며
남은 두 멤버는 배신자고 소속사도 천하의 나쁜 소속사라고자
불쌍한 멤버들이라도 당장 이런 문제 많은 곳을 나가야 하고
안 나가기로 한 멤버 두명은 명백히 배신자다.
한 명은 개인활동의 미끼를 소속사에게 받아서 재계약을 하였고
그래서 계약기간이 아직도 그 멤버만 많이 남아 나갈 수 없고
나머지 멤버는 이미 예전에 한 계약이 남아있으므로
나갈 수가 없다. 남기로 한 두 멤버들이 배신자고 나가기로 한 멤버들은 불쌍한 사람들이다.

라는 시나리오...............................................................

이건 명백히 거짓말임은 팩트만 따져봐도 알수가 있다.

동방신기 멤버들은 동방신기 결성되자마자
모든 부모와 소속사 관계자들이 다같이 모인 한 자리에서
동방신기로서 @@년 계약을 했고 다섯 명 모두의 동시계약이다.
그러므로 올해까지 계약이라느니 일부 멤버는 계약이 끝났다느니
어떤 멤버는 따로 계약을 새로 했다느니 작년에 일부는 계약을 했다느니
또 다른 멤버는 아직까지 계약이 일년 반 정도 남아서 나갈 수 없다는 이야긴 모두 다 명백히 거짓말이다.

모든 멤버의 계약기간은 시작도 같고 끝도 같으며 계약만료기간까지 아직도 @년이나 남았다.

이건 분명한 사실이고,
나중에 그들이 해체를 조장하여 기자회견을 불사하게끔 하고 그에 맞대응해
소속사 대응으로 소속사가 상세한 계약사항을
공개하면 빤히 드러날 거짓말인데 왜 벌써부터 조작질을 하는것이냐.
어차피 거짓말이라고 드러날거 왜 이렇게 거짓말을 퍼트리냐. 하늘이 무섭지도 않느냐.

그리고 모멤버홈 마스터는
이미 모멤버 아버지에게 사주를 받고 동방신기 데뷔초부터 지금까지의 스케줄표를
엑셀파일로 준비해서 그 모멤버 아버지가 노예계약으로 에셈엔터테인먼트 향해 소송을 거는 일을 돕는다는거
소속사도 알고 있고 멤버들도 알고 있고 다른 멤버들 부모도 다 알고 있고 멤버팬들도 다 알고 있는데
어디서 감히 수작질이고 물타기냐.
팬 따위가 감히 해체를 조장하는 작업을 하는 일이 어떻게 일어날 수 있느냐.

또한 마스터들도 다 알고 있겠지.

작년에 4집 컴백하기 전,
시청 쇼케이스 사건으로 팬들의 여론이 거세지자 새로 바뀐 동방신기 담당자가
비밀리에 5멤버 각 팬피 마스터들을 소환해서
내년부터 동방신기가 팀 활동을 병행하면서 다섯 멤버 동시 개인활동 들어간다고
각 멤버팬들은 각자 최선을 다해서 서포트 준비를 하라고 이미 통보를 한건
그 자리 다녀온 모든 마스터가 다 아는데
어디서 특정 멤버 개인활동만을 거론하며 그 멤버만 몰아가고
또 다른 멤버는 계약기간이 1년 반 남았어서 못나가며,
마찬가지로 특정 멤버처럼 다른 개인활동의 이유로 팀에 남겠다고 주장해 배신자로 모는 루머를 대체 뿌리는
저의가 무엇이냐.
당신들이 주장하는 이탈 예정인 세 멤버
역시 개인활동 플랜이 작년부터 이미 잡혀있는건 당신들이 더 잘 알면서
전부 다 쉬쉬하고 일부 멤버의 소문만 퍼지게 조장하고
마치 개인활동 플랜 소문이 돌지 않는 멤버들은
소속사에게 홀대 받고 있는거마냥 이야기 하고 다니고
그걸 듣는 팬들은 나쁜 소속사와 자기 잇속만 차리는 일부 멤버들이라고
욕하게 해서 여론을 조성하고 그런식으로 팬들로 하여금 소속사가 부당한 대우를 하고 학대만 한다고
세뇌당하게 하여
자연스레 일부 멤버가 계약을 파기하고 나가도 팬들과 소속사 남은 멤버들 배신하는 행위가 아니라고 여론선동하여
해체 분위기와 팀 해체는 어쩔 수 없는 일이다 라고 분위기 조성하는데
당장 그 거짓말을 관두라.

그리고 그들의 주장이 에이백스가
일부 멤버들과 따로 계약을 하려 하고 그들의 입에서 배신자라고 매도 당하는 두 멤버를 배제하고
유닛 시킨다, 솔로 시키려 한다고 소문을 내고 그 계약하기로 한 멤버들이 두 멤버와의 의리를 생각해서
그걸 거부했다고 소문 뿌리는건 나중에 실제로 팀 이탈이 있을경우에 비기스트로 하여금 비난을 면하게 하고
또 그 비난을 두 멤버에게 뒤집어 씌우려 하는 수작질인거 모르는 사람이 없다.

에셈엔터테인먼트의 2대 주주가 에셈 주식 20% 가까이 갖고 있는 에이백스인데
일부 멤버가 팀 이탈을 하면 동방은 사라지게 되고
에셈엔터테인먼트는 한국시장과 일본시장 진출에 직격탄을 맞는데
어떤 멍청한 2대 주주가 자기가 총 주식 1/5이나 갖고 있는 회사를 망하게 한단 말인가.

그리고 에이백스와 에셈의 계약은
에셈소속의 특정 아티스트의 팀 와해나 이탈 해체는 바로 에셈 엔터테인먼트가 에이백스와의 모든 계약파기로 이어지고
동방신기 뿐 아니라 샤이니 슈퍼주니어 소녀시대의 해외시장 특히 일본시장의 진출을 전면적으로 막아버리는건데
어떻게 에이백스가 특정 멤버들과 따로 계약하고 그 특정 멤버들이 에셈엔터테인먼트를 벗어나도록 한단 말인가.

애시당초 동방신기 계약 대상은 온리 에셈엔터테인먼트고 에셈엔터테인먼트는 하청식으로
에이백스에게 에셈엔터테인먼트에 소속된 모든 아티스트가 일본시장 진출시키기 위해 일을 맡긴거 뿐이라
에이백스에겐 누구들만 배제하고 누구들만 계약하는건 있을 수도 없는 일인데 제발 말도 안되는 거짓말 그만하라.

어떻게 여기까지 올라온 자리인데 여기서 무너지게 하란 말이냐.
돔 공연이 이미 코앞에 닿아 있고
에이백스와 에셈엔터테인먼트의 계획은 동방신기를 한국의 스맙으로 키워
각자 개인활동도 시키고 동시에 팀활동 병행하고
내년부터 일본푸쉬를 강력하게 추진해 아시아 그룹 최초로 돔투어를 앞으로도 쭈욱 하게 하여
진정한 아시아 최고의 그룹으로 키우게 할 생각을 이미 하고 있고 그걸 아는 팬들이 이미 상당수라
에셈엔터테인먼트와 에이백스가 동방신기를 더욱 더 서포트 하길 바라고 있다.

그리고 그들의 주장이 동방신기가 영원히 하나라고 하면서
자기들이 마치 동방신기 해체를 조장하지 않은 세력이라고
눈가리고 아웅식의 거짓말을 뻔뻔하게 해대는데 어린 카시오페아도 당연히 아는 사실,
동방신기가 다섯명이 손을 잡고 나오든, 일부 멤버들만 손을 잡고 나오든, 한명만 나오든
어느 한 명이라도 기존 계약을 깨고 이탈을 하면 동방신기의 이름을 더 이상 쓸 수가 없고
팬들이 사랑하는 노래를 더 이상 부를 수도 없고 에이백스가 동방신기의 계약파기로 분노하여
그들의 일본시장 진출과 마찬가지로 팀을 이탈한 동방신기 멤버들의 일본시장에서의 활동을
전면적으로 차단할것임이 자명해 비기스트들을 배신하게 되는거고 멤버들은그야말로 빈털터리로 나가게 되는데
어떻게 감히 다섯 다 나가야 한다고 주장을 할 수 있으며 멤버들이 모두 다 동시에 남은 계약 @년을
다 파기하는 부도덕하고 신용없는 멤버들이 되도록 만드는건 있을수도 없는일이고
팬들이야 어쩔 수 없이 감싸주지만 동방신기 멤버들의 계약파기와 팀 이탈 그리고
이 작당질을 주도하는 그들끼리만 쉬쉬하며 이야기하는,
나가기로 한 이탈 멤버들의 CJ 이적설이 미리 약속되었음과
모두 다 쉬쉬하고 있는 다른 이탈이유가 만약에 사실로 밝혀진다면
모든 언론과 대중 여론들의 반응이 과연 어떨거라고 생각하나?

제발 모함짓거리 그만하고 죄없는 멤버들 갈라놓고 이간질 그만하라.

이 모든 짓을 당장 멈추라.
왜 팬들이 나서서 동방신기 모든 멤버들이 자폭과 추락의 길로 가게끔 여론을 조성한단 말인가.
멤버 아버지의 말이다, 멤버 누나의 말이다, 식으로 멤버 가족을 팔아서
멤버 가족을 부도덕한 사람으로 몰아가기까지 하는
추악함을 보이고 있는데 하늘이 알고 땅이 아는 너희들의 시커먼 음모는 이쯤에서 그만 두어라.

진정으로 계약을 파기하고 팀을 이탈하려는 멤버들이 있다면 팬들이 나서서 그들이 돌아오게끔 해야지
이 무슨 수작질이냐.

그리고 그들의 하는 말에 호도되고 휘둘리는 팬들은
이쯤되서 그들의 근거없는 거짓말을 차단할 생각을 해야지 같이 부화뇌동하는건 무슨 짓거리냐.

또한 기자들에게 제보해서 건강이상설 과도한 스케줄 운운하며 동방이 곧 해체할거라고 제보해
기사를 내게 하고 팬들을 더욱 부추기는 짓거리 하는거 다 알고 있다.
소속사는 이미 명백히 해체란 없다고 이미 못을 박았고
이건 이탈 예정이라고 소문 난 멤버들도 루머와는 달리 소속사에 남아 동방신기란 이름을 가지고
마찬가지일거라고 믿을것이다.

진정한 팬이면 루머에 휩쓸리지 말고 그런 말도 안되는 루머를 한 사람을 추궁하고 잡아내
멤버들 가족과 멤버들 팬들 앞에서 무릎꿇릴 생각을 하거나 확실한 진위여부를 가리도록 해야지
제발 휘둘리지 말아달라.

마지막으로 그들이 강력히 주장하는
과도한 스케줄이며 노예계약 이야긴 계약서를 까본 다음에
법이 판단할 일이지 팬들이 판단할 일이 아니다.
더 이상 여기에 대해서도 왈가불가 하지 말아달라.

오늘 모멤버 어머님이
개인활동 소문 난 모멤버만 재계약을 했다는 거짓말을
팬들에게 하고 다니고 있다.

어머님은 제발 루머 그만 뿌리십시오.
참는것도 한계가 있습니다.
어찌하여 그런 루머를 뿌리십니까.

계약은 위에서 언급했듯이
모두 다 똑같이
2010년이 훨씬 넘어가는 201@년이
계약만료 기간인거 다들 아는데,
소속사도 알고있고 기자들도 알고있고 일부팬들도 예전부터 알고 있었고
모든멤버 가족들과 멤버들이 다 알고 있는 명백한 사실인데,
왜 자꾸 거짓말을 하십니까.

어머님이 계속 그러시면
어머님이 거짓말로 팬들을 선동하여
팀을 박살내려 하는 진정한 주동자라는 생각을
도저히 안할수가 없습니다.

제발 모두에게 상처주는 행동은 그만하십시오.

by 포에버 | 2009/06/26 13:00

Here's the screencap of the original article posted by "Forever"

The title of the blog is "TVXQ forever"
The text below the picture of all 5 members is "We are forever one... the group that slanders and promoting the breakup should beat it!!!!!!"


  1. (I apologize for double posting, I had to add some thoughts)

    Thank you for this, Precious, even though it must have taken out some of your free time to post this and organize it. We appreciate your efforts.

    Even though this is old news, it validates what most of us have believed.

    I don't know who Forever is, but why do I get the feeling that he/she was not only present in the 6.25 meeting, but of someone important within the administrators of the fan clubs. Mainly, it's because he/she was able to pin point the 'lies' and the 'fake' truths that was being spewed out in the web by these so-called fans.

    In fairness to Forever, he/she wouldn't know the consequences that would befall between SME and AVEX back then, this is in reference to the SNSD comment.

    In 2010 SME ended up sending SNSD to Universal-Music Japan (UMJ) instead of AVEX.

    Although unconfirmed, AVEX did feel threatened by that move by SME, according to fans.

  2. No one commented yet? Or @precious is moderating the comments strictly?

    Anyway, I have the feeling that it's Yunho. The post has his mannerisms in it.

    How did it become it became so famous?

  3. i dun see any bashing, rumors, or wrongs in her/his why is his/her statements were so popular back then???
    n i wonder why jyj stans used this person as bad person spread rumors about tvxq????i dun understand???

  4. Obviously this "forever" knew what was going on, more than the fans. I think forever was part of tvxq or worked with them and for sm. He knew about the contract and the plans that sm had for their individual activities.He cares very much for homin and does not like to see their reputation being damaged by lies and assumptions. Its apparent to him that the relatives of cjs are intentionally lying to the fans so the fans can be on their side, yet they have no proof of anything they are saying. He says to the fans "why are you blindly following them?". Something I've learnt not to do because of this blog. There is no bashing in anything that is said at all, so I don't understand what all the fuss was all about. I'll wait patiently for the next post and finally find out who forever is. Thanks for another post Precious.

  5. I do feel that "forever" was someone close to the boys and obviously who cared about TVXQ and was trying to squash the rumors-I do not see anything negative in his/her thoughts!!
    @dAra, I don't think it's Yunho-I think they were blissfully unaware of what was going on around the 6.25 time coz they were away for some concerts!!

  6. Well, now i’m getting confused about several things mentioned above... could anyone answer these, please?
    1. Who is the member that rumored to stay for the remaining 1.5 years of his contact? Changmin?
    2. “ of the fan site admin is already helping the lawsuit against S.M. Entertainment by preparing members’ schedule of activities from the beginning until now in Excel under the direction of a member’s father..” who is this ‘member’s father’? junsu’s father?
    3. “They claim that Avex is trying to make a separate deal with some members, and they are spreading rumors that Avex is planning to start unit and solo activities without the other two members that are framed to be the traitors.” Well Avex did start unit activities (JYJ) without Changmin & Yunho, but why Avex did this and then halted JYJ’s activities after thanksgiving in dome?
    4. “They are showing ugliness like claiming members’ father and sister have said certain things and driving member’s families as immoral.” Did Forever talk about Junsu’s father’s & Jejung’s sister’s statements in 6.25 meeting?
    5. “..A member’s mother is telling lies to the fans that the member with the rumor of individual activity has re-signed with the company” who is she?

    “..They are spreading rumors the members who got the offers (from Avex) refused them out of loyalty to the other two.” I find it ironic, if only JYJ refused the offer from AVEX for the sake of loyalty of the other two members, maybe i still have respect for them...
    About forever identity, i really have no idea who he is, but from his post i could sense his anger towards the rumor-makers... he really cares about TVXQ

  7. oo i think forever is one of admin who attend the 6.25 meeting XD
    thx for the translation precious :D

  8. @dAra: Precious doesn't really filter comments. And no, I don't think it's Yunho, considering how honest he is with his feeling, I doubt he can keep his facade for this long if he knew what was going on and why he and his family are treated like crap.

  9. @Precious:

    Somehow I can only post very short comments... T_T Thank you for this, it is a great work! It is too soon to guess who Forever is, but I kinda think s/he is an OT5 fan, who probably didn't attend the 625, because s/he didn't make any straight reference to anything that was said. This post sounds like my own rants about the manipulative effort of some heavily biased fan, so the fact that it was made a big deal means this person hits the heart of things, making the guilty party paranoid, thus blowing this out of proportion.

  10. ohhh, you updated! ♥
    wow this is one of the most scary articles I've read in here. there are many hints in this post about Forever, but I'm not sure about the conclusion.
    Forever is someone (very?) close to the members who cares about them (you can feel his/her rage about those lies)and who knows all the important facts about everything.
    He seems to be a very righteous person with high values.
    There is so much about it ...

    "It is a fact the company knows, reporters know, some fans knew for a while, all the members and their families know, but why are you keep lying about it?" It must be one of those, I guess, but that could be anyone XD
    After the first reading I think it doesn't sound like a fan. I don't think it is anyone who worked under SM at that time either. In my opinion it might be a reporter (but did reporters knew all those facts at this time?) or one of HoMin's families. Is that too much to assume?

    Oh and can I ask a question concerning the hearing from Tuesday? Many fans (like me) thought that this was the final hearing but it seems like there are more future hearings to come, how many hearings are still to come approximately? Do you know anything about it?

    Like always thank you so much for your great effort to bring us the truth ♥

  11. Forever did directly address the "father" "sister" and "mother" in the blog post (we can all easily guess who those could be) but aside from that this whole post for me is just a plea to the fans to stop the rumor mongering and the slandering. i agree that this person is either a relative or a fan who has very close ties TVXQ themselves or their family members. as for this being Yunho, it's highly unlikely. i can't imagine him going "must stop internet rumors!" and opening an anonymous blog to counter rumors about himself. just totally out of character. i've read a lot of comments from antis before implying that Forever is Yunho's father.

    Forever said that as early as (mid to late) 2008, individual activities that were being planned for the members were already known. fast forward to one year later, and Junsu says the same thing in his Elle Japan interview.

    Precious, thank you for your hard work.

  12. Hm, I thought it was Changmin at first..don't know why, but it makes sense that it was probably someone at the 6.25 meeting who probably felt uneasy about the way the meeting was going. This is my first time hearing about Forever, and it's very interesting! How were people's reaction to Forever's message among the Cassies in South Korea?

  13. @ cat1177: I never heard of those antis implying that he is Yunho's father, but I have to admit that just by reading this I thought exactly the same. (there are so many hints which makes me think like this) But at the other hand I think it is a bit unrealistic, isn't it... I mean wouldn't he know that antis would never forget about that and would bash him endlessly? :/
    For me it seems like Forever believes in the good nature of human and in their ability to think rational. So maybe he hoped he can stop this madness and fans won't see him in a bad light. At the other hand his writing sounds so desperate. So it could be that Yunho's father wrote it in desperat hope to stop those ridiculous rumors and hoped to raech the majority of fans. (he couln't know that things will turn out like this) But still... somehow I think it is too much to assume...

  14. Hihi...

    Oh I see... This is also the first time I heard of "Forever", I really thought it's Yunho! Yes but on second thoughts, it seems unlikely for him to go on the internet and say "stop those rumours!" himself.

    Anyway, @precious does a really good job of making this as accessible as it is interesting. The whole story is unfolding in a very organised, step by step manner.

    He could write drama serials... xD As in, seriously.

  15. DBSK was in Thailand on 26/06/2009, preparing for their press con on the same day and the concert one day later. I was one of the fans who stalked them at that time.

    This entry was posted on 1PM Korea time (11am Thailand time), at that time DBSK was at the Thailand airport. So I am pretty sure this person is not Yunho.

    And even though the thought and manner is like Yunho's father, the way he said, the words he used, is not like him. (just read other letter from Yunho's father to compare by yourselves) So I think it's not Yunho's father either.

  16. Why my comment cannot published ToT, I lost all of it 2 times already :(. Is the system forbids to post longer than 100 words or what...

    I don't think Forever is Yunho's father or SM insider. As we all known, Yunho's father is a tradional man and based on the fact he used to disagree his son's choice of joining entertainment industry, writing a blog is not something he would likely do.

    If he wants to voice out his opinion, he would (and actually did) write a official document with his own signature.

    Yunho is not an option either cause I believe his words in KDG.

  17. Forever also doesn't look like a SM staff to me. Besides the claimed of how unreasonable the slave contract sounded, he/she didn't state so much detail so what Forever stated there is common knowledge. It's not so hard to see the fact that no one (in this case, both parents and son) would sign a contract if it clearly does not bring them any benefit.

    As well as the Avex things, what kind of company would want to harm SM if it's holding 20% of SM's shares. Just the simple facts that anyone with a clear mind could easily see.

    In my POV, Forever is a fan who attend the 6.25 meeting but wasn't fooled by the fat lies. He/she can see through the bad intentions lying under those rumours. And being a true TVXQ5 fan, he/she didn't want Homin to be accused wrongly, as well as didn't want TVXQ to break up.

  18. We can see that he/she express the belief that those members were being thought will leave would stay instead (which, sadly, not the case here). I can tell he/she just a true fan who want to protect his/her TVXQ.

    It doesn't need a scientist to see all these rumours were making no sense, which Forever actually saw.

    And according to antis SM/Homin law, anything that sounds against JYJ's flavour is bashing, even if it's for TVXQ.

  19. Hi Precious,

    Thanks for the update.
    Its still too early to guess who's Forever, but I think he/she is simply just loyal OT5 fan and high rank admin in TVXQ fansites. He/She might attend 6.25 meeting. And I dont think she/he is SM insider, because his/her rants looks like general fans rant. And seems to me, being a high rank admin in a fansite gives privileges to his/her knowledge abt tvxq's matter. :)

    But thts just my premature thoughts.
    Once again thanks for the update.

  20. I agree with @ayoepan :)

    i think he/she is a fan & high rank admin in fansite, that might attend 6.25 meeting.

    And he/she realized that the meeting was a brainwash process & spreading rumor strategy. So he/she was trying to make ppl think in a better/rational point of view~

    @precious so glad with your update ^^

    Btw, i'm hoping u can translate the court hearing this march. I kinda don't trust some of the sources/translated news in the internet (mostly done by JYJ fansite). But of course only if you're not busy =)

  21. btw, just a random thought.. Someone who attend 6.25 meeting, record that meeting & put the recording on the internet, so anyone able to know what happened in that meeting.

    IF forever is a one of the fansite admin who attend that meeting, he/she probably also the same person who record it & put it in the internet..

    just a random thought once again~ hehe ^^

  22. when i hear about Forever, i was expecting something more aggressive and offense to JYJ' side ... This one was actually a lot nicer and well written than i though
    The thing she said is very matured and logic, now it make me realize how scary bias are, they really try every ways to cover the sky

    I think she's just a fan, maybe she knows the industries and have some inside information but i don't think she's someone related direct to the boys. The things she state is quite general, you don't need to have connection for that.

  23. Precious thank you sooo much for this update^^
    I would agree with the comments that said it might have been one of the fansite admin who attend the 6.25 meeting.
    But hmm, could it really be one of the boys? O-O
    Ah please will you tell us?
    I hate riddles and especially when they are abt tvxq ;__;
    Oh and sth else have you watched the Knee Drop Duru interview with Yunho and Changmin?
    There Yunho said that they didn't know about the lawsuit when it was filled by JYJ.
    Will you tell us anything for this matter?
    Thank you again♥

  24. @Precious Thank you for another post!

    Who is this Forever? He/she sounds more like a fan to me rather than Yunho himself or anyone from SM. It also seems like he/she was at the meeting, considering how much he/she knew. I'm glad he/she realized the lies immediately and stood up for the HoMin.

  25. @Xenia:
    I don't think Forever is any of the boys, and this person could be anyone in fandom, s/he is most probably an admin or a long-time fan that is pretty close to admins.
    During KDG, HoMin was asked about their feeling when JYJ filed a lawsuit at 731, they said they were shocked because they expect the three were filing a lawsuit. I think at the time, they still hoped that the issue between SM and JYJ could be resolved privately and without any formal lawsuit.

  26. I think Precious should start a poll, hahahahaha.

    I don’t think s/he is the person who recorded the 625, if s/he did, why didn’t s/he post it together with this blog? It would make it more credible. The phrases s/he used like “the 3 members who you claim to be leaving” and “claiming members’ father and sister have said certain things” IMO, show s/he didn’t attend 625, because if s/he did, it was obvious that the 3 parents hinted that CJS were planning to leave.

    Then again, I can't know for sure ^___^

  27. There will be a Part 2 to "Who is 'Forever'"

    I think we will know a little more of this person once Precious post part 2. Even if we don't get to know Forever's identity, what the person did is honorable and it shows that the person respects truth not deceit.

    Precious, some of us in the fandom have come to believed that you know this person, but you do not want to reveal the identity out of respect and to protect the individual.

    Whatever the case may be, continue on sharing your awesome post. International fans appreciate it.

  28. @ all

    LOL people, please don't get your expectations too high about this "Forever" person. You're going to be mighty disappointed. I guess it's my fault for building up the suspense LOL.

    Most of your questions will be answered in future post(s). I didn't even have a chance to read all your comments because I was busy translating the court transcript.

  29. I missed reading you so much Precious! thank you for this update. I wanna meet'Forever', this person knows what she/he is saying and doing it with respect. I wonder whose mom sayed that... I think YC's right? lol

  30. wow...
    wow this forever is great...
    I wonder who is he/she..

    thank you precious~

  31. I've read the posts "Who is forever?" Parts 1 through 4 at jyj sites. Besides bashing Yunho horribly, fact wise they make no sense... Keep saying this was a malicious blogger spreading rumours before 6.25, without providing a screencap, transcript and translation to back it up. Funny, it was the other way around, the poor sod wanted to dispel the rumours that she/he knew would come to explode after 6.25.

    I think it might have been an ot5 fan present at 6.25 who went wtf at what was being planned. I think forever truly wanted for tvxq to remain 5.

    lol this is such a mess. Wish jcs would have tried to make a clean break without all this melodrama.

  32. @Jessica and all others who think Forever is an ot5 fan present at the meeting

    quite possible, because i remember hearing some JYJ fans claim that site admins of all 5 were invited. or she was not present in the meeting but was tipped off right away by someone who was.

    i've been fed the same things before: Forever is a malicious evil blogger, all those who side with Homin are instantly labeled Hotel Girls etc etc.. even people who support Precious's blog are branded Hotel Girls. but the difference is i've never seen Hotel Girls "at work" like i have CJS fans.

  33. "The plot started since last night, .........
    "The plot started since last night, .........
    "The plot started since last night, .........
    (6.25 meeting ended @8pm 25th June, Forever posted this on 1pm 26th June - exactly 17 hours after 6.25meeting ended - Forever could be one of the participants at 6.25 meeting)

    A member’s mother is telling lies to the fans that the member with the rumor of individual activity has re-signed with the company.
    Ma’am, please stop spreading the rumors.

    (True enough, CJS camp spread the rumor about Yunho's contract is different than others. This was not recorded in 6.25meeting, so Forever knows something more than 6.25meeting. Tell me how on earth this Forever can be SM Staff or Homin or Homin parents? FOREVER got 1st hand info about the plot of slandering at that time. Do you think CJS family and their supporter would let pro SM people know about it?)

    The members of TVXQ signed the @@-year contract with all the parents and the company officials together as soon as the group's formed. They all signed the deal at the same time. Therefore, following claims - certain members' contracts expired, a member signed a separate contract, some signed a contract last year and another member has 1.5 years left on his contract - are definitely lies.
    All members’ contracts start and end at the same time, and there are still @years left before they expire.

    (Again this was another false info spread by CJS camp suggesting why Yunho and Changmin didn't join the lawsuit. One example of False claim including Yunho's contract is only 7 years n we know it is not true, all 5 have the same contract terms. Forever knew about what rumors were going to be spread to discredit the remaining 2 members, and her/his warnings actually happened. If there is a trial for defamation of Homin, Forever can be the witness to testify who are the mastermind of this conspiracy.)

    ...brainwashing the fans to think the company is treating them unfairly and only abuses them. You are manipulating public opinions to justify the breakup and forming opinions that breaking the contract is not betraying the fans and the members staying with the company

    (well how many times have you seen comments like SME beat up members of TVXQ, they made TVXQ pay everything blablabla at international fansites and youtube? Where are these rumors came from? It was from Korea then spread to Japan, China then international.)


  34. continue....

    They claim that Avex is trying to make a separate deal with some members, and they are spreading rumors that Avex is planning to start unit and solo activities without the other two members that are framed to be the traitors. They are spreading rumors the members who got the offers (from Avex) refused them out of loyalty to the other two. Everyone knows that is to put the blame on the two members and to avoid being criticized by BigEasts when they actually break up later on.
    Avex is the second largest shareholder who owns 20% of SM, and if some members leave the team, TVXQ will disappear, and SM Entertainment will take a direct hit on Korean and Japanese market. What stupid second largest shareholder would ruin a company that they own 1/5 of the shares?
    A breakup of SM artist will directly result in voiding the contract between SM Entertainment and Avex, and in addition to TVXQ, it will block overseas activities of Shinee, Super Junior and SNSD, especially in Japan, so how can Avex sign a separate contract with specific members and make those members leave SM Entertainment?

    ( I THINK this is the most scary thing mentioned by Forever, FOREVER must have some sort of power to prophecies AVEX is going to form a UNIT without the other 2 member in June 2009. And true enough, in April 2010 JYJ was formed under AVEX without Homin. But wait, this is not from Forever, this is from WHAT Forever heard of, so someone must has told Forever about that, who are they?)

    To conclude my speculation about who is FOREVER:
    Well Forever CANNOT be SM Staff, or Yunho or Changmin or Homin Parents. Period.

    Forever has too much knowledge about the plot of slandering towards SME and Homin, I plead to Forever to come forward as witness to testify to expose the truth.

  35. Precious,
    pls rescue my 1st post. thanks.

  36. @ Karen

    It's done. I still can't figure out the blogspot system criteria for spam detection. Oh well...

  37. I just realized I forgot a word that would make a big difference in my first comment:

    "During KDG, HoMin was asked about their feeling when JYJ filed a lawsuit at 731, they said they were shocked because they (didn't) expect the three were filing a lawsuit."

    Yunho and Changmin knew the three were probably having some discontent with SM, for whatever reason it might be, but they were busy with Dome Concert preparations not to mention they were not in Korea. Their manager/SM might keep the details of whatever issue discussed after the three sent a content-certified document to void the contract in order to not distract them. To say Yunho was lying because he said he DIDN'T KNOW the three were filing a lawsuit because during 625 it was said they planned on leaving too is not really a valid argument.

  38. @ hyeonmu

    Also if you think about it, whether Yunho was aware of the lawsuit or not is not significant at all. It would've made no difference to the situation whatsoever. I guess antis need to say that they're lying to justify the claim of HoMin changing their mind after agreeing to leave together. But then, even if HoMin knew about the lawsuit, that does not necessarily prove they were going to leave SM with the 3, so it's really irrelevant.

    I bet if HoMin said that they knew about the lawsuit, then the antis would've bashed them for not joining the lawsuit with the 3.

  39. @Precious

    Of course. Anti is an Anti. When HoMin said nothing, they yap about how 'their silence is hurting JYJ', when HoMin DID open their mouths and spoke up, they bash him for 'following their master's order and lying to hurt JYJ'. Basically, HoMin can't do anything right, who cares about HoMin's feelings or how they are thinking, right?

    I certainly am a bit confused as to why they have to pain JYJ as a victim, does that makes it easier for these biased, fanatical fans to accept the fact that the three left TVXQ? Whether they like it or not, the moment they chose to file the lawsuit without the other two, the original formation of TVXQ was broken.

    Which resulted to the duo we all know and love now, so IDK, feeling a bit conflicted about the whole situation, :)

  40. *paint JYJ as victims...

    I'm sorry, TVXQ's performance last night at MuBank destroyed my brain cells... I can't concentrate, lol

  41. @ hyeonmu

    I'm not sure if it's the fans who are painting JYJ as a victim. It surely looks like it's JYJ who's trying their best to make themselves look like a victim using their tweets, songs, and interviews.

    I think the reason is pretty simple: to earn sympathy of the fans.

    By painting themselves as victims, the existing fans are bonding stronger to protect their "oppas", and it seems to be working well.

    The emotion it elicits from the fans is so strong that the fans are unable to see what's really going on besides their mission to support JYJ. They're pretty good at it.

  42. @Precious

    Thank you for all the hardworks and information! Great work!

    I'm new to this whole TVXQ+JYJ+SM drama. So I don't know much what happened in the past.

    One question keeps pop in my head. Has anyone from JYJ ever come out asking their fans to stop blashing HoMin during the whole time? Are they all 5 supposed to be very closed friends (may be even like brothers)?

  43. @talking2me

    Hi, I can answer your question with confidence. Never...

  44. @talking2me:

    From someone who followed all three tweets since they made it until early this year... My answer is the same with kirsch87... NOPE, NEVER... NOT EVEN ONCE.


    I have no doubt that JYJ believe they are the victims, I have to agree that they are victims...
    it is the VICTIMS OF WHAT I don't agree with. If they want to say they are a victim of SM, well, HoMin went through the same thing, every single step up to December 08 when they decided to invest. So, victims, yes. Victims of SM, definitely not.

  45. @Precious
    Thank you for your hard work, I always thought HOMIN were the most honest, I always believed in them and I agree with you. I do not hate JYJ but I don't support them for what they did to HOMIN and their families.
    You are amazing, I always recommend your site in YT, haha but till now I was being a silent reader, I'm from Mexico and when I found out about the lawsuit, I searched info (in spanish) and all I can read was: Homin are traitors, they betrayed JYJ/JYJ are the real victims/ SM did the same with H.O.T/ but I asked myself why homin didn't leave if SM is so evil like JYJ said? then I knew about the 6.25 meeting and I realized I was right, JYJ are not telling the truth. My english is poor so when I try to explain JYJ fans about the meeting and all I suggest your site. I really love that you're helping Changmin and Yunho (and their families). Thank you so much and God bless you. Sorry for my english.

  46. @ sofly
    Welcome! Thank you for spreading the words! More people need to know what happened to stop the needless and unjustified bashing against HoMin.

    I wouldn't have known about your English if you didn't say anything. :)

  47. Welcome too, I will continue doing it, spanish (latin) fans are the least informed or perhaps I should say the most misinformed.
    OH this is the channel ( where I read 6.25 meeting for the fist time, it gave me chills even the intro music is scary. It's hard to believe that meeting was in a Church. It's hard to believe they did such awful things to HOMIN.
    Anyways, I guess you already know about this channel.
    I can't wait for Who is "Forever"? Part 2

    Thank you again.

  48. I'm really curious about who is "FOREVER" but then i thought of who really is "PRECIOUS"? I'm a reader of her blog but didn't really know her. Sorry Precious and thanks :))

    For me I think "FOREVER" is a great INSIDER. He/she figured things fast, as in really fast.

  49. Oh I went to JYJ Files and one of them, mentioned about a japanese site and said it has similarities with yours. Perhaps you already know this site, it seems its called "Search for the Truth. I couldn't find it, hope you can, maybe you already mentioned it here but I can't remember, hope it helps. Take care.

  50. i've been a silent follower of this blog...i'm breaking my silence now....i'm hoping everything will settle fast ....the lawsuits, the fanwars, the bashings and all...coz me as an I-fan is extremely tired of all these...i just want the boys to be happy, either together or separately..but since they are no separated then let that be the case forever..they can never go back to being the dorky, happy amazing TVXQ for us all..LET THEM BE..and us fans to be happy too...ENOUGH OF THE you an HM fan or a JYJ fan...

    jeeezzzz.....this thing is draining me ..and im from half way around the world

  51. @mizzyme

    I'm sorry but no one here bashing JYJ. We here don't care about JYJ at all. We just want JYJ to leave Homin alone which obviously not happen (see: Jaejoong + Junsu twitter incident).

    We are not happy with JYJ fans bashing Homin, so how about you stop them.

    You obviously doesn't read this blog at all & that's why you can say that.

  52. I was waiting for this post for so long... this was the first rumor I heard about this situation and YunHo.

    So this "forever" just wrote this and the fans said he/she was spreading rumours all over the internet slandering JYJ?? how could they lie???
    and going as far as saying that person was someone of YunHo's family?

    And they even dare call YunHo a liar!?? ha!

    Sorry, I know people keep saying don't bashing, but this is too much!!
    They keep saying don't bash when YunHo was the one slandered, this is so easy!
    But I can't help but feeling sad, mad , angry with this hypocrites fans! really!
    What YunHo and ChangMin had to go through because of them is unforgivable!

    I am puzzled with the capacity that human beings have to create lies.

  53. Hi~
    I've just found out about your blog tonight and in a way... it did made some sense.
    I am not a JYJ nor a homin fans. I am one of those OT5 who support and respect the 5 of them and their decision.
    About the 6.25 meeting, I've read the translation and even then...I think that.. some of it doesn't make sense.
    and, I too like many others get info from JYJstans side but somehow their articles just hurts me more. The way they bash on HoMin like HoMin had made some serious crime is just...I don't even know what to say.
    and according to those sites, most of them said that "Forever" was a bad person. But from what I've seen here after I compared to the other sites... I think "Forever" was actually telling fans TO KEEP THEM TOGETHER AS 5 not telling "Hotel Girls" to break the band.

    and as for the real bad guy here... I can't judge them based on blogs as I am just a fan who know nothing but to support the 5 of them but...somehow,I think people should try to be in their shoes and feel all what theya re feeling. The truth is known only by them and only them have the right to bash on each other as they know who is wrong and who is not.

    But, I love your point of view here =D

  54. @ sclaire93

    I understand your point of view, and I understand that you don't want to say anything bad about any of the members, and that's to be commendable. But the fact is that two sides are saying two totally opposite things, and while I agree that the whole truth is known only by them, but it is clear that one side is definitely lying. Just read both sides' arguments and evidences, and you should be able to see who is lying. Try to look at this whole thing objectively (hard to do as a fan), and you will see the truth.

  55. i am confused, hurt and so many other things that words cannot describe. i love this post. it is so clear. i hate to judge JYJ, i hope they are not greedy and slanderous like my brain tells me. because i love all of them. i just wish they came back as a 5. but somehow it looks impossible. for somehow, i never hated SME because without them, DBSK would never become a reality. i try not to be biased, but i definitely pity HoMin because the pain that they go through is far worser than that of JYJ. why do i say this? they didn't do anything, but still people judge them. someone's lying and i can't wait to find out who is. i hope its not JYJ because if they did lie, DBSK has no chance of being a 5 again. but i hope it is not HoMin because changmin is my bias (sorry, fangirl issues) and i really hope it is not SME because without SME, the boys won't be as famous and the music won't be as good as before. now i am confused. please i need details!

    i don't want you to judge or anything. but i am asking your opinion.

    who is at fault right now? who looks guilty right now?

  56. @ Syaza Mar'iyah
    If you've read my posts, you should already know where I stand. If you think about it, what did Yunho and Changmin do? All they did was to stay as TVXQ and protect its name, that's all. It's really simple as that. They didn't file a lawsuit, they weren't involved in a cosmetics business, and during their hiatus, they worked on their craft, coming back as TVXQ stronger than before.

  57. So, has anyone given thought to the idea that the one posting the vid on youtube of the 6.25 meeting, ''simellien'' could actually be this ''Forever''?

  58. You people on this blog are all dismissing something very vital here. Blatantly ignoring it in fact.
    Now dont misunderstand what Im saying cause, I am not one of those fans that are blindly following JYJ; feeding the rumours, cause I know that most of then arent true, particularly the ones slandering Yunho and Changmin. Hell Im Homin biased. But at the same time I have also got to admit that some of the rumours about SM are true and theyre is at least some credibility on JYJ's part about SM's conditions being intolerable and thats basially why they left. Cause that would be true. Examples of that are everywhere, from Suju right back to Zhang Li In. Furthermore, law courts cant judge on baseless rumours now can they? They had to be some hard evidence insinuating some of JYJ's claims regarding SM for them to have won. Plus there is also the statement issued in the news where it was said that SM has been warned time and time again.
    In regards to Yunho and Changmin, theyre are completely blameless and innocent in my opinion. They havent been spreading rumours in anyway, nor have they allowed anyone to, at least intentionally. The only thing they did was state that it came as a shock when the others left basically.
    Both JYJ and HoMin are victims in my eyes, cause they are both being manipulated in one way or another, if not by family members, by fans and administrators and instigators on a whole who have something to gain or loose.

  59. @jasdevi
    CJS vs SM and SM is bad side and CJS vs HM both are victim. CJS fans VS HM fans both side is bad. how do think about CJeS vs Avex ? maybe you have any opinion.

  60. hello precious, first of all, thank you for the facts you have given on this blog. veru interesting and though i see where you stand, this blog doesn't seem too much of biased toward one side. :)

    i am quite curious about this forever person and how quite bull's eye s/he hit some situation of this whatever that happened with tvxq that caused some fans splitted into jyj stan and homin stan. i believe both sides has something they aren't telling yet. imo, the 3 is not completely on the blame as in all of what they are saying are lies, nor they are innocent in this case. homin is the same too. they didn't speak much not because they didn't know things, but some things are not to be coming out yet. well, anyway, we will see how truth prevails in the future.

    i haven't read part two of forever yet. so am heading there.

    oh and i heard jyj is releasing a book, and they spoke about their thought there, will you be translating that particular parts? just asking tho, in case they don't publish the english version for international fans..

  61. @ Eru Lenonk

    Yes, it's pretty interesting read, isn't it?

    I won't be translating that book. I am not even going to buy it, and I'm sure JYJ fans will do a good job of translating it so I'm not going to spend my time with it.

  62. @Precious
    very, very interesting indeed. when the truth reveals, i'll be there to see if all this longwhile i am watching a very good drama with too much intrigue or just kind of cheap soap opera. :D

    oh, i don't mean that you buy them and translate them... ahahah my bad, well then hopefully the eng-translation will not be too much of one-sided

    again, thank you. i just finished reading all the posts you made on this blog. nice read. :)b

    btw i am eru lenonk :)

  63. you make yunjae fans getting more delusional,rude and cruel, help. this is serious. you should back to us and help the boys precious. i dont want yunho changmin to hurt more and more, its enough for them. please. its about humanity. comeback to us precious i'm begging you
